Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.
This map created in 1997 depicts the state of Missouri in minute detail, complete with a legend located in the upper righthand corner. The map highlig...
This map created in 1997 depicts the state of Nebraska in minute detail, complete with a legend located in the lower lefthand corner. The map highligh...
This map created in 2000 depicts the state of Kansas in minute detail, complete with a legend centered at the bottom of the map. The map highlights ur...
This map created in 2002 depicts the state of Iowa in minute detail, complete with a legend centered below the map. The map highlights urban and rural...
This map created in 1997 depicts the state of Missouri in minute detail, complete with a legend located in the upper righthand corner. The map highlig...
In ancient Greek architecture, caryatids are sculptures of draped female figures used in place of columns or pillars. These female structures often su...
This is the fifth proposed master plan for public schools in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates elementary, junior high, and hig...
This is the second proposed master plan for business and industry areas in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates business in red an...
This is the eighth proposed master plan for future land use and population density in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates single...
This is the first proposed master plan for residential areas in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates needed redevelopment, rehabil...