Suggest a Purchase
Suggest a Purchase
Thank you for your interest in suggesting new material for the library to purchase. Access to Suggest a Purchase is available through your account!
You can place up to three (3) requests per month for titles that are not available at the Kansas City Public Library.
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Local Author Submission Guidelines
To support local content creation and recognize local literary achievement, the library encourages local authors to recommend their works for inclusion in the collection.
- A local author must reside or have resided in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area.
- The author represents and warrants full ownership and/or legal rights to publish all material.
- Recommended works are subject to the Library's Collection Development Policy, for both adding and removing the material from the collection.
- The Library does not consider recommended textbooks, pamphlets, brochures, or spiral bound books.
Submission of Content
- We discourage authors from sending their works through the mail for consideration.
- All materials donations will become the property of the Library and will not be returned to the donor, nor will any payment be made.
- Authors may recommend their work for consideration in one of the following ways:
- Use the Suggest a Purchase process.
- Contact us, providing all relevant information including description of local authorship, title, author, ISBN, and reviews.
Out of Area Author Submission Guidelines
We accept material recommendations from out of area authors.
- Out of area authors do not reside or never have resided in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
- The author represents and warrants full ownership and/or legal rights to publish all material.
- Recommended works are subject to the Library's Collection Development Policy, for both adding and removing the material from the collection.
- The Library does not consider recommended textbooks, pamphlets, brochures, or spiral bound books.
Submission of Content
- We discourage authors from sending their works through the mail for consideration.
- All materials donations will become the property of the Library and will not be returned to the donor, nor will any payment be made.
- Authors may recommend their work for consideration by contacting us, providing all relevant information including title, author, ISBN, and reviews.