10 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 5 PM
Mon, May 26: Closed
Contact Location
Branch Manager: Deontay Harris

The oldest and one of the most history-steeped branches in the Kansas City Public Library system celebrated its 125th year as an anchor of the Westport community in February 2023. Originally opened in 1898 as the Allen Library, it joined KCPL when Westport was annexed into Kansas City late the following year. It was the system’s first expansion beyond downtown and the Main Library.

Today, the branch serves an area stretching well beyond its immediate neighborhood, with demand high among seniors and others needing access to computers and the internet, groups looking for public meeting space, and those in need of passport processing and connections to vital social services.

Westport Branch

Located in the heart of Westport and only blocks from the Plaza, the historic Westport Branch was the first branch of the Kansas City Public Library, opening its doors to the public in 1898. Today it stands as a prominent landmark in the Midtown community and provides a cozy environment and friendly atmosphere for its many patrons.

The Westport Branch features free Wi-Fi, an easy-access parking lot adjacent to the library, and a spacious meeting room for events and gatherings. It also offers a unique collection of children’s books, music CDs, many fun displays, and a variety of feature films, TV shows, and documentaries on DVD.

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