Community Tabling

If you or your agency is interested in providing information or resources by tabling at a Kansas City Public Library branch location, please provide the information requested below to complete this form.

  • Interested in resources for educators or classroom appearances? Visit Services for Educators.
  • Interested in having the Bookmobile visit your event? Complete the Bookmobile Request Form.
  • If you’re interested in having the library at your event but cannot accommodate centralized parking for the Bookmobile, use this form instead.

Review Policy 615.02 before filling out form.

Contact Information
Requested Date & Time
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  • Organizations that table with the library must in coordination with the Library. The purpose of tabling should be to inform or educate rather than to proselytize or promote one set of beliefs over other beliefs.
  • The Library is able to provide a table and 2 chairs. Groups may bring a tablecloth and/or items for the tabletop. No more than one free-standing sign. Power may not be available, depending on the location.
  • No handing out food, candy, mints, or snacks of any kind.
    • There are designated eating areas in each location. Programs and/or Library partner events may be exempt from this.
  • No selling/soliciting
  • If a group is barred from tabling at one location, they are barred from tabling at all locations.
  • Library visitors are not to be disturbed or called over to the table. If they’d like to interact with the table, they will approach.
  • People tabling must abide by the Library’s code of conduct (policy 107.10).
  • Tabling will be limited to a maximum of 2 hours up to 4 times per month, based on availability.
  • Tabling will occur in a designated area within a library location.
  • Tabling must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance with Library staff. Requests may be denied based on availability or capacity.
  • Only one group may table at a time.
  • If any of these guidelines are not followed, staff are able to disallow future tabling.