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"The Maple Leaf Route" map is a print which features the rail exchange between Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Chicago with all the included stops betwe...
This print focuses on the manuscripts of the Liber Floridus by Lambert of Saint-Omer. The depiction alludes to the commemoration of the 150th annivers...
"Sublime spirit! Vast and profound genius! Divine being! Accept the homage of my weak talents...Oh, Newton!" With these words, French architect and de...
Étienne-Louis Boullée was a French neoclassical architect whose designs have had a lasting impact on modern architecture. The paperwork accompanying t...
"Bring Downtown BACK!-New Arena Symbolizes New Day for Kansas City" is an enlarged reproduction print depicting a paid political advertisement that ra...
"The Kansas City Connection" is an artist proof print and is numbered 25/50. "The Kansas City Connection" highlights major Kansas City figures includi...
The Punch Magazine, or London Charavari, was a satirical British weekly magazine established in 1841. This large scale reproduction of the original ca...
This reproduction of the September 7th, 1940 Liberty Magazine cover was an ode to Kansas City's booming economy. The Liberty Magazine was a general i...
This sizable map was likely created by George F. Cram who served in the U.S. Army during the American Civil War. After the war ended, Cram joined his...
This sizable map was created by George F. Cram who served in the U.S. Army during the American Civil War. After the war ended, Cram joined his uncle R...