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George Morland was an English painter born on 26 June 1763 in London. He was best known for his rustic scenes of farming, hunting, smugglers, gypsies...
In this print, a young woman stands before a plot of green corn in a sun hat, scarf, sweater, and red and white checkered dress. She holds the handle...
This print depicts a painting by Missouri-born artist Charles Goslin created in 1997. The piece features the steamboat Silverbow gliding past the Gill...
This map provides a color-blocked depiction of Kansas City on a grid. The map used for this print was presumably much older since the key at the top i...
This drawing illustrates a street view of the New England Building located in downtown Kansas City designed by the architectural firm Bradlee, Winslow...
Diane Romanello, born in New York on 1944, is a self-taught artist whose landscape paintings are characterized by an aesthetic of beauty and charm, in...
This print is an architectural drawing of Grace Church, a Catholic church designed by architectural firm James and James. This drawing was an entry fo...
In 1940, the Kansas City Southern Lines introduced the Southern Belle passenger train that traveled between Kansas City and New Orleans. It also trave...
Louis Le Breton specialized in marine paintings which he created while working for the French Navy. This particular work depicts a view of ships arriv...
Edward Degas is regarded as one of the founders of the Impressionist movement in 19th-century painting. However, he regarded himself as a realist or i...