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Central Library
This is the first proposed master plan for residential areas in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates needed redevelopment, rehabil...
This map lays out the ninth Proposed Master Plan of the Downtown Area and was generated in 1946. The plan's primary feature is the expressway loop sur...
This image documents the immensity of debris left by the Great Flood of 1951. The vantage point appears to come from a western area looking eastward t...
Kansas City's Union Station was built in 1914 as a product of the City Beautiful movement, an urban planning initiative in the United States in the la...
This enlarged map of Kansas City with a scale of 1:500,000 (1 centimeter to 5 kilometers) including a regional breadth of about 150 miles in any direc...
George Lawrence was a commercial photographer that invented the "captive airship" a panoramic camera suspended in air by seventeen Conyne kites that e...
This pen and ink caricature features Charles Clemens Orthwein, a St. Louis native that dominated the Midwest grain export industry in the early 20th c...
Arthur E. Stilwell was a prominent real estate and railroad developer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. With an understanding that railroads...
Dancer and choreographer Theodore Kosloff (1882-1956) trained from a young age at the Imperial School of Dance in Moscow. His fame came when he began...
Photographed by Orval Hixon in a period of America's history when cultural appropriation was not a concern, this portrait of Ruth St. Denis in costume...