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Central Library
Beth Beri was a dancer who appeared in two musical revues (Jack and Jill in 1923) and (Rufus LaMaire's Affairs in 1927). She was in the very successfu...
For the daughter of a doctor and an inventor, born on a modest New Jersey farm to grow up to reach for and attain literal and figurative heights of th...
This solitary moment captured by Orval Hixon commemorates the Herbert Kinney and Corrine Kalich pantomime and dance act. Kinney sits on a low bench wi...
Hixon's portrait emphasizes Ann Pennington's (1893-1971) magnetic appeal and big stage presence, but the diminutive star was actually less than five f...
Mademoiselle Hortense Rhea (September 4, 1844 – May 5, 1899) was a Belgium-born French actress whose popularity extended to the Russian Empire and lat...
In 1915 and 1916, Ada Forman danced with Florence O'Denishawn on tour and partnered with Ted Shawn in numerous works including Danse Javanese and Natu...
Garbed in a classical ballerina tutu replete with petite swan wings, Florence O'Denishawn poses demurely against the wall with her crossed arms raised...
This is the fifth proposed master plan for public schools in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates elementary, junior high, and hig...
This is the second proposed master plan for business and industry areas in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates business in red an...
This is the eighth proposed master plan for future land use and population density in Kansas City generated in 1946. The gridded map indicates single...