Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.
Central Library
This poster celebrates the 150th anniversary of the City Market in Kansas City, Missouri, in 2007. Historic photographs provided by the Missouri Valle...
The American Library Association (ALA) started an "Read" poster initiative in 1985, featuring a celebrity posing with their favorite book or books. Th...
This poster markets "The Outwin: American Portraiture Today", an exhibition held by the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art from October 5th, 2017 to Ja...
This antique piece houses a radio-receiver in a four-legged highboy with a stretcher base. The central cabinet doors slide outward to reveal the face...
The Steinway & Sons Model L is among the larger sized Steinway ‘baby grands’. The Steinway Model L scale design is based very closely on its predecess...
What at first appears to be an abstract art installation in the Library’s technology and digital engagement hub is in fact, something deeply conceptua...
Refe and Susan Tuma are parents of four from the Kansas City area. Inspired by the imagined lives of their children's' toy dinosaurs, they began a ser...
Thomas Hart Benton was at the forefront of the Regionalist art movement. His paintings portrayed a fluid motion to both landscape and sculpted figure...
This pennant commemorates the First National Bank of Kansas City. Established in 1886 by Col. James Abernathy and James Lombard, the First National Ba...
Orval Hixon used this large format sliding carriage studio camera from the 1920s through the later years of his career in Lawrence, Kansas during the...