Charles Clemons
This pen and ink caricature features Charles Clemens Orthwein, a St. Louis native that dominated the Midwest grain export industry in the early 20th century. The satirical didactic that accompanies this illustration mentions Orthwein to have occupied "about as many positions of trust as any man in the middle West" referring, but not limited to, his position as co-owner of C. F. Orthwein & Son as well as the Orthwein-McCrum Investment Company, director of the Fidelity Trust Company and National Bank of the Republic of Kansas City, president of Wabash Clay Company of Indiana, vice-president of the Seneca Mill & Elevator Company, and seat-holder on the Chicago Board of Trade, the St. Louis Exchange, and Kansas City Board. He was known to have the solution to any business problem and is depicted here with an emotionless face that reflects the ease with which he approached business. Under his arm is a thick stack of papers reading "Grain Exports". His enlarged head rests upon a minimized body which straddles an over-exerted horse.