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This pennant commemorates the First National Bank of Kansas City. Established in 1886 by Col. James Abernathy and James Lombard, the First National Ba...
This image documents the immensity of debris left by the Great Flood of 1951. The vantage point appears to come from a western area looking eastward t...
This enlarged map of Kansas City with a scale of 1:500,000 (1 centimeter to 5 kilometers) including a regional breadth of about 150 miles in any direc...
This pen and ink caricature features Charles Clemens Orthwein, a St. Louis native that dominated the Midwest grain export industry in the early 20th c...
This side table's smooth upper surface caps a wealth of intricacy below. Starting with the band that foots the tabletop, shields, vases plush with fol...
This is a 19th century antique Chinese horseshoe-style chair made likely from elmwood. The chair was fabricated using pegs and specially carved joiner...
This is a 19th century antique Chinese horseshoe-style chair made likely from elmwood. The chair was fabricated using pegs and specially carved joiner...
This poster presents the United States Capitol Building dome at sunset bathing the building in warm light that causes it to glow. An architectural cut...
This 19th century pedestal table is a beautiful combination of dark stained wood and glass and is accompanied by four chairs. The pedestal refers to t...
This lectum was designed to empower the speaker before the audience. Rectangular in shape, the top of the piece provides ample space for the speaker t...