This lectum was designed to empower the speaker before the audience. Rectangular in shape, the top of the piece provides ample space for the speaker to rest their hands on either side of the angled book platform. The platform is upholstered in a red velvet material in order to keep the speaker's materials from sliding downward. The upper section of the lectum narrows downward over a series of beveled edges that create the illusion of elevating the speaker. The body of the lectum remains rectangular with two wooden columns fashioned into the base. Their capitals flourish into scrolling points that alternate with a simply carved flower on each side. The audience-facing side of the body features a quatrefoil reminiscent of Christian or medieval symbolism. The side facing the speaker has a door that opens to reveal a small compartment likely for supplemental materials. The body transitions into the base over a series of beveled edges similar to the top to create a complementary effect of grounding the speaker and their message. The lectum rests on a set of four small wheels with brass coverings for maneuverability.