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This is a photograph from behind the bronze statue of Sir Winston Churchill in London's Parliament Square. From this angle the photograph creates the...
The photograph depicts the side silhouette of former President Harry S. Truman walking across the street of the Independence Square. The original ph...
The use of bronze became popular in 15th century Europe as a means to bridge ornament in sculpture with a faster rate of production. Artists employed...
This print illustrates a three-tiered fountain comprised of two simple bowls and receiving pool, each separated by shafts decorated with shell and flo...
The slogan "Heat Up, Cool Down" with the quite literal image of a gushing fire hydrant ablaze provides an exciting visual representation of the improv...
This is a replica of a ceremonial Hsun-ok vessel of Burma (Myanmar) that has been used for centuries to carry offerings to Buddhist monasteries. Histo...
This is a decorative model of a bell tower derived from the well-known Renaissance design of St. Peter's Dome. While not an exact replica of the dome,...
A black and white reproduction of a nineteenth century historic map of the Kansas City Stockyards, by C.F. Morse. The original work was published by...
"The Maple Leaf Route" map is a print which features the rail exchange between Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Chicago with all the included stops betwe...
This print focuses on the manuscripts of the Liber Floridus by Lambert of Saint-Omer. The depiction alludes to the commemoration of the 150th annivers...