Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.

Library numbers for 2022 tell the story of a community very much relieved and happy to be back in Library spaces, checking out materials, attending events, and just relaxing.
Even a global pandemic couldn’t sever the Library’s ties to the people it serves. Now, we’re back together and stronger than ever.
In-person library visits more than tripled in 2022 – to nearly 175,000 – and patrons checked out nearly 50% more books and other materials (a total of 562,384). The Library offered 84 signature events featuring authors and other presenters, drawing better than 33,000 attendees in person and live online. Audiences met the return to in-person programming with enthusiasm and thanks.
The Kansas City Public Library Sees You
From four reach-expanding bookmobiles to the provision of 1,000 Chromebooks and career and tech services, the Library is an equalizing force. In fact, with the Library in your hip pocket (thanks to our handy mobile app), there’s nothing stopping you.
Can’t get around? Maybe you made one of the 3,366,448 visits to our website – including exploring all that our Digital Branch has to offer.
Or did mobile library services come to you? Well more than 67,000 books or materials were delivered through Books to Go in 2022.
No access to internet? You can turn to our Chromebooks or Wi-Fi hotspots. In the past year, cardholders checked out 626 of the devices.
See our progress toward closing the digital divide and meeting broad community needs in the Library’s 2022 Annual Impact Report.

The impact evident in that annual report was accomplished through programs that go beyond our core services – and require funds beyond our base of public support. We are so grateful for the generosity of friends like you who make these responsive, accessible programs and resources possible.