Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.
The Kansas City Public Library has long offered quiet spaces for study, reflection, and reading, but now three Library study rooms are specially equipped with phones and video-capable computers. These spaces are called Community Connections Rooms (CCR) and are at the North-East, Southeast, and Bluford branches.
While the rooms may still be used for studying or other activities, the available technology adds more possibilities. For instance, a new service specific to the CCRs is job-seeker assistance, which is offered during drop-in times (Tuesdays from 1-3) at those three locations when the expert on staff will virtually connect to the room and give job-seeking related help. (Call 816.701.3663 for more job seeker information.)
But Library users can also reserve a room to make connections through video calls.
North-East Branch Manager Amanda Barnhart says, “Everyone’s in a certain kind of crisis right now.” And, she’s observed, a possible salve to that crisis is connection, whether that be personal, professional, or even legal.
Librarians at each location have stories to tell about how patrons have used the rooms.
Early one morning not long ago, Branch Manager Sunny Branick arrived at Bluford to open the doors for the day. He found a man in the parking lot anxiously awaiting his arrival.
The man said he had a virtual child custody hearing scheduled and had lost internet connectivity at his home; he didn’t know what to do, so he’d headed to his nearest library.
Branick let the man in, and he and a colleague set him up in front of a camera in Bluford’s CCR.
Reservations are recommended, but Library staff understands this isn’t always possible, and they don’t turn anyone away unless the room is already in use.
Southeast Branch Manager Monica Jedine tells about a 93-year-old woman who regularly comes in with her elderly nephew to appear before the municipal court about a housing case.
And at North-East, a patron completed her nursing pin in December by using the CCRs for classes and the Library’s free print services for classwork. The woman later visited in her new uniform to pose for photos with staff.
Still other Library visitors have used the video chats for calls to family and friends, telehealth appointments, school conferences, or to conduct business meetings. Community Resources staff can also connect with patrons working to fill our paperwork for things like the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, the SAFHR application, or utility assistance.
“Hot phones” are available in each room to speak to Community Resources staff for help navigating or connecting with services; for immediate assistance dial extension 3767 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm.
Reserve a Community Connections Room Now
While the rooms may still be used for studying or other activities, the available technology adds more possibilities. For instance, a new service specific to the CCRs is job-seeker assistance, which is offered during drop-in times (Tuesdays from 1-3) at those three locations when the expert on staff will virtually connect to the room and give job-seeking related help. (Call 816.701.3663 for more job seeker information.)
But Library users can also reserve a room to make connections through video calls.
North-East Branch Manager Amanda Barnhart says, “Everyone’s in a certain kind of crisis right now.” And, she’s observed, a possible salve to that crisis is connection, whether that be personal, professional, or even legal.

Community Connections Rooms help patrons who need a private video meeting space.
Librarians at each location have stories to tell about how patrons have used the rooms.
Early one morning not long ago, Branch Manager Sunny Branick arrived at Bluford to open the doors for the day. He found a man in the parking lot anxiously awaiting his arrival.
The man said he had a virtual child custody hearing scheduled and had lost internet connectivity at his home; he didn’t know what to do, so he’d headed to his nearest library.
Branick let the man in, and he and a colleague set him up in front of a camera in Bluford’s CCR.
Reservations are recommended, but Library staff understands this isn’t always possible, and they don’t turn anyone away unless the room is already in use.
Southeast Branch Manager Monica Jedine tells about a 93-year-old woman who regularly comes in with her elderly nephew to appear before the municipal court about a housing case.
And at North-East, a patron completed her nursing pin in December by using the CCRs for classes and the Library’s free print services for classwork. The woman later visited in her new uniform to pose for photos with staff.

Patron Merari used the North-East Branch's Community Connections Room for her
online nursing class. Library staff helped quiz her before test time.
online nursing class. Library staff helped quiz her before test time.
Still other Library visitors have used the video chats for calls to family and friends, telehealth appointments, school conferences, or to conduct business meetings. Community Resources staff can also connect with patrons working to fill our paperwork for things like the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, the SAFHR application, or utility assistance.
“Hot phones” are available in each room to speak to Community Resources staff for help navigating or connecting with services; for immediate assistance dial extension 3767 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm.
Reserve a Community Connections Room Now