11 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 8 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
Sun, Apr 20: Closed
Contact Location
Branch Manager: MaShonda Harris & Interim Manager: Mila Blair

What’s now the Library’s Waldo Branch was once a small outpost – the Southwest Branch – at Kansas City’s old Southwest High School on Wornall Road. The current facility was called the South Branch when it opened in December 1988, touting an electronic center with IBM PC and Apple IIE computers, electric typewriters, and printers.

Waldo Branch

Located in the heart of the commercial and residential neighborhood for which it is named, Waldo Branch Library is one of the most popular branches in the system. It serves as a community center for the area as well as a meeting place for various community organizations and neighborhood associations.