All Library locations will be closed Tuesday, December 24 & Wednesday, December 25, for the Christmas holiday.
100: Public Services
The Kansas City Public Library is a doorway to knowledge for all people in our community.
Board Policy 101 (Ref.: By-Laws I.1 / Adopted 11-88 / Rev. 7-03, 12-10)
The Main Library and the Branch System shall adopt different, yet complementary, roles in fulfilling the Library’s mission. These primary roles are defined as follows:
Main Library Role: The Main Library shall actively provide timely, accurate, and useful information; support individuals of all ages pursuing a program of independent learning; and assist researchers in conducting in-depth study or investigation in specific subject areas.
Branch System Role: The Branch System shall feature current, high demand, high interest materials and information in a variety of formats for persons of all ages; serve as an access point for information and materials held elsewhere in the system; and become a central focus point for community activities, meetings and services.
Board Policy 102 (Adopted 1-89)
The Library’s goal for public services shall be to develop and implement through continuous evaluation and adaptation, a program of Library services which effectively meets the informational, educational and recreational needs of residents of the Kansas City Public Library District.
Board Policy 103 (Adopted 1-89)
With regard to all public services, the Kansas City Public Library does adopt as policy and subscribe to The Library Bill of Rights as last amended by the American Library Association Council January 29, 2019, in the following form:
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
- Books and other Library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the Library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
- Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person’s right to use a Library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
- Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
- All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including identifiable information.
Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; January 29, 2019.
Inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.
Board Policy 104 (Adopted 9-89 / Rev. 5-23)
The Library Director shall carry forward the policies, goals and objectives adopted by the Board and shall recommend policies and formulate procedures which, in the Director’s opinion, will promote the efficiency of the Library in its services to the residents of the District. (Ref: By-Laws VII3)
The Library specifically recognizes any document, record, or other method of storing information retained, received, or generated by the Library that identifies a person or persons having requested, used, or borrowed library material to be confidential. The Library shall not divulge such information to anyone other than the borrower. Such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power. The Library shall resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Board Policy 105 (Adopted 11-88 / Amended 8-99)
105.01 Confidentiality of Email Lists and Email Sharing
The Library maintains a list of individual email addresses gathered in various ways, including when a library patron applies for a card and when someone makes a reservation for an event via email. The Library will use email addresses gathered to communicate back to the patron to inform about upcoming events, activities and speakers. The Library will not share email address information with outside organizations. The only exception to this procedure will be in cases where an individual has clearly consented (via a Library information form or other written communication with the Library) that their email information can be shared with a specific organization(s).
Administrative Procedure 105.01 (Adopted 10-07)
The Library Director shall carry forward the policies, goals and objectives adopted by the Board and shall recommend policies and formulate procedures which, in the Director's opinion, will promote the efficiency of the Library in its services to the residents of the District.
Board Policy 106 (Ref: By-Laws VII.3 / Adopted 11-88)
106.01 Circulation/Registration Manual
106.02 Reference Service, Guidelines and Procedures
106.03 Americans with Disability Act Compliance Procedures
106.01 Circulation/Registration Manual
The Director of Access Services, working with system staff, administration and committees, shall be responsible for developing, monitoring and maintaining a Circulation/Registration Manual which will contain basic information, regulations, guidelines and procedures for the registration of borrowers and the conditions of loan for all Library materials. Proposed changes in the manual shall be submitted to Management Group and the Library Director for consideration and action.
Administrative Procedure 106.01 (Adopted 11-89)
106.02 Reference Service, Guidelines and Procedures
The Reference Services Coordinator, working with system staff, administration and committees shall be responsible for developing, monitoring and maintaining Reference Service Guidelines and Procedures which will contain basic information, regulations, guidelines and procedures for the public use of the reference collection and the provision of reference services. Proposed changes in the guidelines and procedures shall be submitted to Management Group and the Library Director for consideration and action.
Administrative Procedure 106.02 (Adopted 11-89)
106.03 Americans with Disability Act Compliance Procedures
The ADA Access Coordinator, working with the system staff, administration and committees, shall be responsible for coordinating ADA compliance efforts for the Library, including the investigation of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the U.S. Department of Justice regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. All complaints shall be addressed to the attention of the ADA Coordinator who will conduct an informal investigation to resolve each complaint in a prompt and equitable manner and submit a written report to the Library Director. Any complaints not resolved by the ADA Coordinator may be submitted to the Library Director for resolution. The following policies and practices are designed to further insure the full participation of individuals with disabilities in the Library's programs, activities and services:
- When viewed in their entirety, all Library programs, services and activities (including public meetings) shall provide for the full participation of all individuals, including those with disabilities and shall not, because of physical or other barriers, exclude or limit such individuals from full participation.
- Library employees will make every effort to ensure that communications with customers, program participants and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communication with non-disabled people.
- Appropriate auxiliary aids and services, or readers, interpreters or reading devices will be furnished where necessary and economically feasible to afford individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in Library programs, services or activities, including but not limited to the following:(a) readers for individuals with visual impairments;(b) interpreters or other alternative communications measures (as appropriate) for individuals with hearing impairments; and(c) transcribers for individuals with manual impairments.
- Decisions as to whether the furnishing of auxiliary aids, services or devices may fundamentally alter the nature of a Library program, service or activity or a decision that an undue financial or administrative burden will be imposed by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act will be made properly and expeditiously by the Library Director.
- All equipment used as a part of the Library's programs, services or activities, shall be maintained in operable working order and usable by individuals with disabilities, particularly individuals with hearing, visual, and manual impairments.
Administrative Procedure 106.03
The Kansas City Public Library is a doorway to knowledge for all people in our community. In support of this mission, the Board of Trustees is committed to creating a safe and inviting atmosphere. The Chief Executive shall develop procedures governing expectations of behavior of staff and patrons.
Board Policy 107 (Adopted 09-03 / Rev. 03-09)
107.01 Staff Commitment to Customer Service
107.02 Employee Rights
107.03 Public Service Desk Problems/Complaints
107.04 Children’s Use of the Library
107.05 Unattended/Unsupervised Children
107.06 Inappropriate Use of Children’s Area
107.07 Emergency Situations
107.08 Security Officers and Other Library Staff
107.09 Detention of Persons Suspected of Theft, Vandalism, or Other Illegal Acts
107.10 General Expectations of Customer Behavior
107.11 Theft or Attempted Theft
107.12 Vandalism and Other Illegal Acts
107.13 Disruptive Behavior
107.14 Inappropriate Behavior on Library Property
107.15 Verbal Abuse
107.16 Solicitation
107.17 Display of Explicit Sexual Material or Child Pornogrphy, and Material that is Pornographic for Minors
107.18 Sexual Misconduct
107.19 Stalking
107.20 Review of Suspension
107.01 Staff Commitment to Customer Service
The Library exists to provide the best Library service to the taxpayers who support the system and to the patrons who use the Library and its collections and services as they are intended to be used. All Library staff are responsible for providing the best possible customer service in an open and inviting atmosphere. Patrons shall be encouraged to use Library facilities and materials; and staff shall be available to assist customers in finding, using and borrowing materials in a courteous and helpful manner.
Administrative Procedure 107.01 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 11-89, Rev. 3-09)
107.02 Employee Rights
Staff have the right to request any person in violation of Library policies or in violation of any state statute or local ordinance to leave Library property immediately. The violation of any federal or state statute or local ordinance will also be regarded as a violation of Library policies. Except in cases of protecting other staff or customers from harm, at no time should public services staff members put themselves in harm's way to such an extent that bodily injury to themselves or other people will result.
Administrative Procedure 107.02 (Adopted 3-09)
107.03 Public Service Desk Problems/Complaints
All Library customers have a right to question Library policies and their personal circulation records, as long as this is done in a reasonable manner. Staff members who deal with these customers should carefully and courteously explain policies and take all necessary steps to insure that customer circulation records are accurate. If customers still have questions or objections, they should be referred to the staff member's supervisor. In the interest of customer service the supervisor should attempt to resolve problems immediately.
Administrative Procedure 107.03 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 1-03, 3-09)
107.04 Children’s Use of the Library
Service to children is a major focus of the Library's mission. As long as children act responsibly, they may use any of the Library's resources at any time it is open, consistent with other guidelines regarding Library resources. Parents and caregivers are responsible for the behavior of their children; teachers are responsible for the conduct of their students while they are in the Library fora class visit or tour. Children are expected to follow all the general behavior guidelines outlined in 107.10.
Administrative Procedure 107.04 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 3-09)
107.05 Unattended/Unsupervised Children
While the Library is not responsible for caring for, or in any way obligated to take responsibility for, children who are left unattended in the Library or who come to the Library without an adult or other responsible person, under certain circumstances it may be prudent for staff to assist children in getting a ride home or in contacting the police. For the purpose of this procedure, the terms "child" or "children" refer to all persons 16 years of age and younger.
- Unattended children exhibiting behavior in violation of Library policy or the law may be asked to leave the Library.
- Children being asked to leave Library property or remaining on Library property at closing time may be asked if they need assistance getting home prior to their being allowed to leave.
- Children of any age with mental, physical or emotional problems who require constant supervision must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at all times.
- At no time or under any circumstances is a child to be taken from Library property by Library staff.
- Police or other appropriate authorities may be contacted when children are left unattended in the library at closing time, if parents or caregivers cannot be reached.
- Unattended children waiting after closing for the arrival of a parent, caregiver, the police, or other appropriate authorities should be accompanied by at least two staff members. An Incident Report must be filed.
- If unattended children leave with police or other authorities after the library closes, staff should place a note on the door of the Library informing the parents or caregivers where they may find their child/children.
Administrative Procedure 107.05 (Adopted 7-02 / Rev. 3-09)
107.06 Inappropriate Use of Children’s Area
The Library has designated specific areas for the benefit and use of children and their accompanying adult supervisors. If an adult in the children's area is not with a child or actively using children's library materials and/or resources and is observed by staff to be spending an unnecessary and unusual amount of time in the children's area, the person will be asked to use other areas of the library.
Administrative Procedure 107.06 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 3-09)
107.07 Emergency Situations
An emergency situation is defined as any situation in which a customer's or staff member's actions present an imminent danger to the life or safety of himself or herself or others. Such incidents include crimes of violence or the threat of or attempt to commit such crimes. Any staff member who observes or receives notice of such behavior should call the police immediately and then notify the supervisor. An act of violence will result in an indefinite suspension of privileges. Any circumstances which fit the definition of "emergency situations" should be described in an Incident Report.
Administrative Procedure 107.07 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 5-00, 3-09)
107.08 Security Officers and Other Library Staff
It is the primary responsibility of security officers at the Library locations where they are assigned to provide protection and security for the staff and customers of the Library and to protect Library materials against theft and vandalism. Security Officers are authorized to use reasonable force necessary up to and including the use of force to:
- Prevent injury to staff and customers,
- Prevent theft and attempted theft of Library property,
- Remove from Library property customers refusing to comply with the Library's Customer Behavior Expectations.
All Library staff are responsible for the safety of and protection of all Library customers and Library property. In responding to negative customer behavior, see 107.09, staff may, as appropriate, ask customers to leave the Library for the day or call authorities as necessary.
Administrative Procedure 107.08 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 5-00, 3-09)
107.09 Detention of Persons Suspected of Theft, Vandalism, or Other Illegal Acts
All Library materials must be properly checked out in accordance with established Library policy. Intentional concealment of Library materials, the removal of or the attempt to remove anti-theft devices from Library materials, or any other circumventions of check out or security procedures are serious violations of Library policies and the law. Any Library staff who has or receives knowledge that a person has stolen or defaced or has attempted to steal or deface Library materials should immediately report the information to Security or a supervisor. At that time, a decision should be made whether to detain the person for the purpose of determining whether there is reasonable cause to believe that the person has committed an illegal act and the police should be called.
Detention of such persons should be conducted in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable period of time sufficient to determine the existence of reasonable cause. Persons so detained should be informed of the reasons for the detention and an attempt should be made to question the person concerning the incident.
In the case of suspected theft, a request may be made that any bags, briefcases, handbags or other similar containers be emptied in a search for stolen Library materials.
Physical force should be used in detaining persons only as a last resort and then only in cases of protecting customers and/or staff from harm.
If the person is determined to be impaired because of alcohol or drug use and poses a threat to himself or herself, he or she may be detained until medical services can be notified and are on the scene.
If it is determined that reasonable cause exists to believe the person has committed an illegal act, the detained person should be so informed and the police should be contacted immediately. While waiting for police to arrive, the detained person may be permitted to make a phone call, if appropriate. Persons committing such acts face suspension of Library privileges and prosecution.
If it is determined that no reasonable cause exists to believe the person has committed an illegal act, he or she will be immediately released. A juvenile may be released to his or her parent or guardian.
Administrative Procedure 107.09 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 7-02, 3-09, 6-10)
107.10 Expectations of Customer Behavior Policy
We are committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment that meets the diverse needs of our community. Patrons are required to act in a courteous, respectful, and understanding manner toward all who use or work in the library. Violation of these rules may result in being asked to leave or a loss of library privileges.
As stewards of the library, staff will exercise their best judgment in determining whether the expectations and behaviors listed are a violation of this policy
107.10.01 Customer Expectations
Be considerate
- Keep the volume of activities, conversations, and electronic devices to a level that is not disruptive to others. Earbuds are available for free from library staff upon request.
- Eat only light snacks and small items in designated spaces. Then dispose of trash when finished. Drinks in closed containers are welcome throughout the library.
- Limit personal belongings to one medium-sized and one small-sized item when entering the library. Exceptions are made for medical equipment or items used to transport library books and materials
Be responsible
- Monitor and supervise the actions and behavior of those within your care.
- Take responsibility for children and vulnerable adults in your care and do not leave them unattended. The library is not responsible for individuals needing particular care, including children, who are left unattended on library premises. (See 107.05 Unattended / Unsupervised Children)
- Take responsibility for your personal belongings as the library is not responsible for missing or damaged personal items.
- Utilize wheelchairs, strollers, and mobility devices safely. Skates, skateboards, or any other smallwheeled items should be carried.
Be respectful
- Respect the personal space and property of others.
- Utilize the spaces and resources within the library for their intended purpose.
- Adults browsing in spaces reserved for children, teens, and adults accompanying them should exit those spaces once browsing is complete.
- Only animals recognized as service animals by the Americans with Disabilities Act may be brought into library buildings.
- Store bicycles in bike racks located outside the library. Bike locks may be available on request.
- Use library furniture and equipment for its intended use only.
- Charge personal devices in designated seating and computer areas.
- Follow all laws and statutes, including applicable health and safety regulations, as mandated or recommended by federal, state, or local health officials.
- Refrain from refusing to follow the direction of library staff, security, or another authorized individual. This includes leaving library grounds when asked.
Be appropriately groomed
- When visiting the library dress appropriately for a public space by wearing a full top, bottoms, and shoes. Undergarments and swimwear alone are not sufficient clothing for the Library.
- Unless worn for religious or health purposes, remove accessories and clothing that will conceal a person's identity. Refusal to remove these items will result in being asked to leave the property.
- Refrain from visiting the library when bodily hygiene is overwhelmingly distracting or if clothing and belongings are soiled with bodily fluids, parasites, or pests.
107.10.02 Prohibited at the Library
- Entering or attempting to access staff-only areas.
- Meals are prohibited in all areas, except for meals purchased in the Central Library Cafe.
- Sleeping, lying down, or taking up more space than needed. Note: Staff may conduct wellness checks if you appear to be unresponsive.
- Personal items exceeding one medium-sized and one small-sized item.
- Obstructing spaces such as aisles, doorways, emergency equipment, seating areas or stairs.
- Monopolizing library space, furniture, electrical outlets, or equipment to the exclusion of others.
- Recording, photographing, or filming patrons in the library or on library property without prior consent.
- Charging personal devices at electric outlets not intended for that purpose.
- Bathing or loitering in the restrooms or other areas of the library.
- Soliciting, distributing, petitioning, or selling goods on library property without prior approval.
- Exhibiting signs and symptoms of being impaired by alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances.
- Abuse of any kind towards oneself or others such as intimidating, injuring, or engaging in any behavior resulting in harm.
- Brandishing or using items in an unsafe manner that could result in personal injury or property damage.
- Using prejudiced or profane language, including hate speech.
- Harassing conduct or comments of a romantic or sexual nature, including but not limited to, references to a person’s body or physical appearance, as well as requests for dates or personal information.
- Damaging or stealing property that does not belong to you. This includes altering library software or hardware configuration.
- Gambling of any form.
- Explicit sexual misconduct that is inclusive of public displays of affection, indecent exposure and touching, explicit materials, or child pornography as outlined in Missouri State Statue, 573.060. (See also section 107.17), Display of Explicit Sexual Material or Child Pornography.
- Carrying or using weapons including unauthorized firearms, knives, clubs, machetes, tasers, dangerous ordinance, and exploding devices.
- Smoking, intoxication, or using intoxicating substances.
Enforcement of Expectations of Behavior
The Library Board and Library staff have the right and responsibility to protect the safety of all Library customers, staff, property and materials and to maintain order on Library property. Occasionally it will be necessary for a guard or other staff member to deal with customers who create a disturbance or violate the rights of others. In such situations, Library personnel should be aware of applicable Library policies and procedures. Violation may result in an individual not being allowed admittance to the Library or in expulsion, prosecution and suspension of privileges on a temporary or indefinite basis. In all cases of theft, vandalism, disruptive behavior, illegal activities, or injury, an Incident Report shall be filed as soon after the incident as possible, but in no case more than one working day later. The Chief Executive Director or his designee, acting on behalf of the Library Board, may suspend the Library privileges of any person who willfully violates regulations. Suspension periods may vary with the severity and repetition of the offense, with up to but not limited to one-year suspension for acts or threats of violence to staff or customers, in addition to legal remedies and prosecution. Severe violations involving the use of weapons or violence may lead to the indefinite suspension of Library privileges.
Administrative Procedure 107.10 (Rev. 6-24)
107.11 Theft or Attempted Theft
All Library materials must be properly checked out in accordance with established Library policy. Intentional concealment of any Library materials or any attempt to remove materials intentionally by circumventing established checkout or security procedures is a violation of Library policy. Any staff member or guard who observes or receives notice of such behavior should call the police immediately and notify the person in charge of the facility. Customers who commit theft or attempted theft will face Library suspension and prosecution.
Administrative Procedure 107.11 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 11-89, 3-09)
107.12 Vandalism and Other Illegal Acts
When a staff member observes or receives a report of a person attempting to maliciously destroy or deface Library materials or property, the incident should be reported to a supervisor immediately. If it is determined that the customer has vandalized property, the incident should be reported to the guard or supervisor and the police should be called. An incident report should be filed. When a staff member observes or receives a report on a customer committing an illegal act (e.g. indecent exposure, using or selling drugs, drinking), the staff member should immediately report the incident to a guard or supervisor. If it is determined that the customer has violated the law, the police should be called and an Incident Report filed. The customer may face suspension of Library privileges on an indefinite or temporary basis and prosecution.
Administrative Procedure 107.12 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 3-09)
107.13 Disruptive Behavior
When a customer willfully and intentionally disturbs other customers, a staff member should approach the customer and ask him or her to leave the library. If the customer refuses to leave the Library, the security guard should be called if not already present. If at any time the customer should become threatening or dangerous, the police should be called immediately and measures should be taken to protect customers and Library staff. An Incident Report should be filed. The Library will request the customer to leave at first incident. Library privileges may be suspended incrementally ranging from one week for minor incidents, to more significant periods for repeat or more serious offenses, up to an indefinite suspension.
Administrative Procedure 107.13 (Adopted 4-84/Rev. 7-02, Rev. 3-09)
107.14 Inappropriate Behavior on Library Property
When a customer is using the Library or Library property in violation of Library policy or the law a staff member should approach the customer and inform him or her in a courteous manner to use the Library for its intended purpose or leave. If the customer refuses to leave, the same procedure as for disruptive behavior should be used. Customers may face suspension of Library privileges.
Behavior defined by The Municipal Code of Kansas City, Sec.50-161, is also prohibited, and is defined as loitering, loafing, wandering, standing or remaining idle "either alone or in concert with others in a public place in such manner so as to:
- Obstruct any public street, public highway or public sidewalk or any other public place or building by hindering or impeding the free and uninterrupted passage of vehicles, traffic or pedestrians.
- Commit in or upon any public street, public highway, public sidewalk or any other public place or building any act or thing which is an obstruction or interference to the free and uninterrupted use of property or with any business lawfully conducted by anyone in or upon or facing or fronting on any such public street, public highway, public sidewalk or any other public place or building, all of which prevents the free and uninterrupted ingress, egress and regress, therein, thereon and thereto.
Administrative Procedure 107.14 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 7-02, 3.09)
107.15 Verbal Abuse
If a customer speaks to a staff member or another customer in an abusive or obscene manner, the staff member should notify the guard and/or supervisor. If the customer continues to be abusive or obscene, the same procedures for disruptive behavior should be followed. Customers may face suspension of Library privileges for verbal abuse.
Administrative Procedure 107.15 (Adopted 4-84 / Rev. 11-89, 3-09)
107.16 Solicitation
No solicitation of funds for individuals, groups or organizations, or sale of candies, cookies, or items for any causes, or panhandling, is permitted in the Library or on Library property. The only exceptions are those activities that are authorized by or on behalf of the Library, or on behalf of its affiliate Friends of the Library organization.
Administrative Procedure 107.16 (Adopted 7-02 / Rev. 1-03, 3-09)
107.17 Display of Explicit Sexual Material or Child Pornogrphy, and Material that is Pornographic for Minors
Public display of explicit sexual material is prohibited. Staff should take prompt action to instruct customers to remove such a display.
Explicit sexual material as defined by Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 573, Sec.573.010 is any pictorial or three dimensional material depicting human masturbation, deviate sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse, direct physical stimulation or unclothed genitals, sadomasochistic abuse, or emphasizing the depiction of post-pubertal human genitals; provided, however, that works of art or of anthropological significance shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing definition.
Child pornography as defined by the same statute is any obscene material or performance depicting sexual conduct, sexual contact, or a sexual performance...which has as one of its participants or portrays as an observer of such conduct, contact, or performance a child under the age of eighteen.
Minors are specifically restricted from accessing any Internet material that is pornographic for minors (182.287 RSMo) as defined by Missouri state statutes (573.010 RSMo).
Administrative Procedure 107.17 (Adopted 7-02/Rev. 3-09)
107.18 Sexual Misconduct
When a customer is observed engaging in sexual misconduct, acts of exposure, public masturbation, sexual harassment, offensive touching, sexual solicitation, staff should immediately contact Security or a supervisor. If a staff member or another customer can positively identify the offender and describe the activity observed, staff should first contact the police and then Security.
As outlined by Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 566, Sec. 566.083, a person commits the crime of sexual misconduct involving a child if the person: (1)Knowingly exposes the person's genitals to a child less than fourteen years of age in a manner that would cause a reasonable adult to believe that the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to a child less than fourteen years of age;(2) Knowingly exposes the person's genitals to a child less than fourteen years of age for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of any person, including the child; or (3) Coerces a child less than fourteen years of age to expose the child's genitals for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of any person, including the child.
Administrative Procedure 107.18 (Adopted 7-02 / Rev. 3-09)
107.19 Stalking
Stalking is prohibited by The Municipal Code of Kansas City, Sec. 50-9 and is defined as purposely and repeatedly harassing or following with the intent of harassing another person.
Administrative Procedure 107.19
107.20 Review of Suspension
In the event that a patron violates Library policy or applicable law which results in the suspension of Library privileges on a temporary or indefinite basis, the patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Chief Executive of the Library, whose decision shall be final and non-appealable, upon written request.
Administrative Procedure 107.20 (Adopted 3-09)
The Library shall provide access to electronic information systems (including computers, computer networks and electronic information resources) to staff members and customers as is sufficient for the fulfillment of its mission. In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, Kansas City Urban Public Library restricts minors from gaining computer access to material that is pornographic in accordance with sections 182.825 and 182.827, RSMo.
All computers shall be equipped with software to limit a minor’s ability to gain access to material that is pornographic or to purchase Internet connectivity from an Internet service provider that provides filter services to limit access to material that is pornographic. Use of these systems shall be consistent with the Library’s mission, goals, policies and procedures, and with applicable local, state, federal and international laws. The Library also expects that users of these systems shall not interfere with systems operations, integrity or security, or otherwise inhibit normal Library activities. The Library is responsible for systems operations and integrity, and may develop appropriate procedures to ensure systems efficiency, reliability, and security, and legal and ethical system use.
Board Policy 108 (Adopted 12-1995 / Amended 1-04)
108.01 Statement of Responsibility
108.02 Statement of Confidentiality
108.03 Systems Security
108.04 Systems Reliability
108.05 Legal and Ethical Use
108.06 Electronic Materials
108.07 Internet Access by Minors
108.01 Statement of Responsibility
The Information Technology Services department (ITS) is responsible for all aspects of electronic information systems development, management, and maintenance. As part of this responsibility, ITS is empowered by the Library Director to authorize access to system elements (including computers and peripheral devices, network components, programs, program elements, files or data), to implement reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure systems reliability, integrity and security, and to enforce related policies and procedures. Attempts to violate or circumvent these policies and procedures will result in disciplinary action, which may include temporary or permanent loss of system access or privileged system use, or civil or criminal legal action.
Administrative Procedure 108.01 (Adopted 11-95)
108.02 Statement of Confidentiality
Transaction logs, electronic mail and other information which could be used to identify users with specific materials or subject matter are considered by the Library to be confidential, and will not be divulged to anyone other than the user. All users are advised that such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state or local law relating to criminal, civil, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power. The Library resists the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Administrative Procedure 108.02 (Adopted 11-95)
108.03 Systems Security
- Users may not attempt to add, modify, or remove any system element without the explicit authority to do so, or the express permission of ITS.
- Users may not attempt or assist unauthorized access to privileged or confidential system elements.
- User passwords, or any other information related to systems security may not be divulged, shared, or otherwise compromised.
- Additions or modifications to user access or privilege may not be made without ITS authorization (and, for Library staff, supervisory consent).
- Use of Library systems to evade security measures on any system is prohibited.
Administrative Procedure 108.03 (Adopted 11-95)
108.04 Systems Reliability
- Users may not impede systems use through the monopolization or unreasonable consumption of system resources, or by any attempt to delay or halt system operations.
- System maintenance, including software installations or upgrades, must be performed by ITS or their explicitly authorized agent. No unauthorized software may be downloaded, installed or executed on Library systems.
- Staff members may not acquire system access, or authorization for the use of any privileged system element, without appropriate training from ITS or their explicitly authorized agent.
Administrative Procedure 108.04 (Adopted 11-95)
108.05 Legal and Ethical Use
- Users may not attempt to access security-related or otherwise confidential information without the explicit authority to do so.
- Users may not employ Library systems to falsely identify themselves, falsely represent themselves, the Library or any of its policies, services or practices, or otherwise commit forgery or fraud.
- Users may not employ Library systems for the purpose of libel, slander, or any form of harassment.
- Staff members may not systematically employ system resources for the purpose of personal commercial gain.
- Electronic communications and publications originating from Library systems are considered to be representative of the Library. Staff are to adhere to Library guidelines for public communications, as determined by the Marketing Department and other appropriate Library personnel.
Administrative Procedure 108.05 (Adopted 11-95)
108.06 Electronic Materials
- U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use." Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Any responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user; the Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
- Electronic materials (including electronic mail) produced by Library employees on Library systems are considered to be works-for-hire and are the Library's intellectual property. However, the Library may not be held responsible or liable for the use of its systems for unsanctioned communications or publications, or any consequences thereof.
- The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems, or any consequences thereof.
Administrative Procedure 108.06 (Adopted 11-95)
108.07 Internet Access by Minors
The Library presents many educational and recreational opportunities for minors including access to the Internet. Just as Library staff select materials for children and young adults, they also select Web sites designed for these age groups. These Web sites are highlighted in YouthZone, both KidLinks and TeenScene.
The Internet provides access to a wide variety of viewpoints on topics of interest. As with other materials, parents may find that some Internet sites may not be appropriate for their children. The Library hopes that parents will take an active role in their children's learning and recreation by helping them select materials and Web sites that are appropriate to their age and interests.
Since all access to the Internet is through a library card, the following guidelines are used when minors apply for a library card.
Children 12 and Under: Parents/guardians of children 12 years or under, when applying for a library card for their children, are required to select one of two types of cards for each child: Restricted Access or Guided Access.
Restricted Access makes accessible only children's software applications such as Creative Writer and software such as Microsoft Office; there is no Internet access. The online catalog, which requires the use of a Web browser, is not accessible, nor are online databases and Web-based services.
Guided Access gives children access to the Library's Youth Zone, including KidLinks, which highlights Web sites designed for children and selected by Library staff, as well as access to all the Library's electronic resources including the Internet. Library card applications must be signed by a parent/guardian.
Young Adults 13 and Over: Young adults must present reasonable identification in order to apply for a library card; they are required to sign the application themselves. Through their library card, young adults age 13 and over have access to the full resources of the Library, including the Internet. They are expected to abide by all Acceptable Use policies.
Administrative Procedure 108.07 (Adopted 1-03)