Due to severe weather conditions, including heavy snow, ice accumulation, and high winds, all Kansas City Public Library locations will be closing early at 4 p.m. Saturday, January 4 and remain closed Sunday, January 5.
600: Community Relations
Kansas City Public Library shall establish an effective community relations program which will both communicate the availability of current library services and promote the integral role and relationship of information, education, ideas and libraries in our society and community.
Board Policy 601 (Adopted 1-89)
The Library Executive Director shall have the responsibility for coordinating the Kansas City Public Library's public relations and public information activities.
Board Policy 602 (Adopted 5-90)
The Library Executive Director shall make available to Library staff members training sessions, workshops and other aids to assure courteous, efficient and friendly contact with library customers and the general public.
Board Policy 603 (Adopted 5-90)
Local media shall be utilized to keep the public aware of and informed about the Kansas City Public Library's resources and services.
Board Policy 604 (Adopted 5-90)
The Library shall produce and distribute to the public through effective methods, newsletters, brochures and other promotional materials which will communicate the availability of Library services.
Board Policy 605 (Adopted 5-90)
605.01 Distribution of Community Materials
605.02 Availability of Auxiliary Aids, Services, & Equipment
605.01 Distribution of Community Materials
As a service to the public, the Library will display and distribute informational and promotional materials deemed to be of public interest from both non-profit and for-profit organizations. Materials produced by for-profit organizations will be distributed if the organization regularly promotes Library programs or if Library customers demonstrate an interest in the material. It is the responsibility of the organization to provide materials for distribution and to replace supplies as needed. Materials are available only for customer pick-up. They will not be mailed or otherwise distributed by the Library. All materials displayed within the Library should be presented in an attractive and tasteful manner. Questions pertaining to the suitability of materials should be referred to the Director of Marketing. The Library Executive Director will make all final decisions about materials which may not clearly fall within existing guidelines. Staff will remove date sensitive materials from display racks and tables weekly and retain existing materials on a space available basis. Materials will usually not be distributed for longer than one month.
Administrative Procedure 605.01 (Adopted 10-92 / Rev. 4-98)
605.02 Availability of Auxiliary Aids, Services, & Equipment
All printed materials promoting the Library's programs, services and activities shall include a statement informing individuals with disabilities that auxiliary aids and services will be provided if they notify the Library at least 3 business days prior to the event. Telephone and TTY access shall be clearly indicated on all promotional materials.
Administrative Procedure 605.02 (Adopted 12-94 / Rev. 10-23)
The Library Board and staff shall maintain both formal and informal contact with government officials, opinion leaders, service clubs, civic associations and other community organizations to promote the Library and its services and to cooperate in the pursuit of common goals and objectives. The Board President with Board approval, may appoint members of the Board to represent the Library District and promote communication with community groups or organizations. The Library Executive Director, within the scope of his/her administrative responsibilities, may appoint staff members to represent the Library and promote communication with community groups and organizations.
Board Policy 606 (Adopted 5-90)
The Kansas City Public Library may sponsor programs, classes, exhibits, displays and other library-centered activities and shall cooperate with other groups in organizing such events to fulfill the community's needs for informational, educational, cultural or recreational opportunities.
Board Policy 607 (Adopted 5-90)
607.01 Age Appropriateness of Programs, Events, Exhibits
607.02 Request to Challenge an Age Appropriate Designation for Programs, Events, Exhibits
607.01 Age Appropriateness of Programs, Events, Exhibits
All library sponsored programs are open to all regardless of origin, age, background, or views. In cases of individual programs that may be too mature for some audiences, promotion of those programs will indicate the content may only be suitable for those 18 and older.
Administrative Procedure 607.01 (Adopted 07-23)
607.02 Request to Challenge an Age Appropriate Designation for Programs, Events, Exhibits
Any parent or guardian, who is a library district resident, may dispute or challenge the age suitability of a presentation, event, or exhibit in the library by completing a Request to Challenge an Age-Appropriate Designation form available at any Library location. The requestor shall complete the form in full using their own words. Forms submitted using templates, standardized copies, or similarly created for mass distribution shall not be accepted. An individual shall have one active reconsideration request at a time and shall not exceed a total of three requests per calendar year.
The library review process will begin upon receipt of the form by the Library Director or designee. The Library Director or their designee will inform the requestor of the process timeline within 5 business days. A three-to-five-member staff committee will be formed to evaluate the program, event or exhibit. The library will bear the library’s cost of the process, including staff time, materials in question, and other resources necessary to make a thorough and complete evaluation. Upon completion, they will report their findings to the Library Director. The results of the challenge will be posted on the Library’s website and communicated to the requestor within 60 days.
Administrative Procedure 607.02 (Adopted 07-23)
Consistent with the Library Bill of Rights, the Library shall make its meeting rooms and exhibit spaces available to the public on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
While the Library encourages the use of its facilities for political events which involve discussion and debate of ideas and public policies, the Library does not permit the use of its facilities for political fundraising events.
Board Policy 608 (Adopted 5-90 / Rev. 9-07)
608.01 Meeting Room Availability
608.02 Reservation Priority
608.03 Use Guidelines
608.04 Group/Library Responsibilities
608.05 Fees
608.06 Displays and Exhibits
608.07 Complementary Programming
608.01 Meeting Room Availability
Library meeting rooms and other spaces will be available for use by the community. The Library reserves the right to review each prospective use and determine whether that use meets Kansas City Public Library meeting room and facility guidelines. Various facilities and meeting rooms will be available for use before and/or after regular Library hours. Fees will apply; see the Meeting Room and Staff Requirement fee schedule for rates.
Administrative Procedure 608.01 (Adopted 10-92 / Rev. 1-02)
608.02 Reservation Priority
The Library has first priority on all dates. The Library also has the right to preempt any event for Library use. In such rare instances, the Library will make every reasonable effort to assist the group in reserving another date or Library facility or meeting room.
Administrative Procedure 608.02 (Adopted 10-92 / Rev. 1-02)
608.03 Use Guidelines
Meeting rooms are not intended to be used for regular, consecutive meetings by clubs or organizations since such use prohibits general availability to the public. Facilities and meeting rooms may be booked for up to four consecutive gatherings; longer booking periods are possible for classes and programs that have been approved in advance by a branch manager or the Special Events Coordinator at Central Library. The Library will also determine the number of events to be held simultaneously.
Administrative Procedure 608.03 (Adopted 10-92 / Rev. 1-02)
608.04 Group/Library Responsibilities
A completed and signed Kansas City Public Library Application for Use of Meeting Rooms and Facilities must be submitted by all applicants planning to use a facility, meeting room or other space. A hold or tentative reservation on a facility, meeting room or other space can be made if there is space available. When a fee is involved, the tentative reservation is subject to cancellation if the applicant does not respond to the 45-day deadline to submit room and/or staff fees.
The group sponsoring the gathering will be responsible for the orderly conduct of the group and for any damage to Library property, equipment and/or exhibits. The individual initiating the original request for meeting room space, or the facilitator of the event, will be considered the official representative of the group and will assume the responsibility for communicating Library guidelines to the group.
All persons, groups or organizations using Library facilities take the premises "as is" and assume all risks of injury, including death or property damage, to members of the group, organization, event participants and event spectators which might arise out of activities or out of conditions present on the facilities and groups.
There should be no charges, fees or solicitations for meeting attendees. Exceptions would be sponsoring groups that are nonprofit organizations or educational institutions for approved classes, seminars or similar activities. Questions should be referred to the Special Events Coordinator or appropriate Deputy Director for approval.
Meeting rooms will have a standard configuration of chairs/tables (often auditorium style). In spaces with moveable furniture, rearranging chairs/tables (and returning them to the original arrangement) will be the responsibility of the group using them.
When requested in advance, the Library will provide needed audiovisual equipment dependent on its availability at the requested site.
Food and beverage may be served if approved in advance. (See Food and Beverage section of Guidelines for Use of Meeting Rooms and Facilities for terms.) The group serving will be responsible for clean-up.
Administrative Procedure 608.04 (Adopted 10-92 / Rev. 1-01)
608.05 Fees
Room fees and staffing requirement fees vary depending on the requested facility, nature of event, staff involved and requested rental equipment. See the Meeting Room and Staff Requirement fee schedules for specific rates. Some room and facility use may qualify for the waiving of rental fees. See Guidelines for Use of Meeting Rooms and Facilities for those exceptions.
Administrative Procedure 608.05 (Adopted 10-92 / Rev. 1-01)
608.06 Displays and Exhibits
Display cases and areas within the Library will be available to promote both community and Library related interests. Branch managers are responsible for coordinating displays at their locations; the Main Associate Director or designee will coordinate displays at Main except for the entrance windows, which will be scheduled by the Marketing Department. Displays will usually be housed for one month. Major exhibits will be scheduled and programmed through the Marketing Department's Program Services Officer at sites throughout the system with the approval of the site supervisor.
Administrative Procedure 608.06 (Adopted 10-92)
608.07 Complementary Programming
Complementary programming should be planned by all locations to support and publicize major exhibits scheduled by the Marketing Department. When possible, programs and exhibits should incorporate community groups for support and expanded library market potential; partnerships with such organizations are highly desirable goals for all sites.
Administrative Procedure 608.07 (Adopted 10-92)
The Board of Trustees actively encourages and solicits gifts, grants and contributions to the Library which will further its mission and goals in serving the public.
Board Policy 611 (Adopted 5-90)
The Chief Executive shall be responsible for working with the Board, the Staff and the community to establish formal channels for soliciting and receiving gifts and grants as part of an ongoing development program.
Board Policy 612 (Adopted 5-90 / Rev. 7-07)
612.01 Donor Recognition Opportunities
As part of its on-going fund raising and development program, the Library will offer donor recognition opportunities which will include options for commemorative naming of facilities, areas within facilities, equipment and furnishings, collections, named endowments or funds, etc. In consultation with the Board of Trustees, the Library Executive Director will establish and periodically update a listing of such donor recognition opportunities. General guidelines are as follows:
- Donor Recognition Through Named Facilities or Areas Within Facilities. Policies, procedures and guidelines for this option are detailed in sections 418 and 419 of the Policy and Procedure Manual.
- Named Collections or Departments. At the discretion of the Board of Trustees and upon the recommendation and advice of the Library Executive Director and staff, an existing department or collection may be named as designated by a donor for a contribution to the Library's endowment fund that will provide earnings equivalent to: half of a department's current operating budget; or half of the current annual acquisitions budget for a specific collection. The minimum contribution for a named collection will be $100,000.
- Commemorative Equipment or Furnishings. Commemorative options for the purchase of equipment, shelving, furniture, fixtures, etc. are available to donors for 100% of the actual cost. In the event that such items have already been purchased out of Library funds, a contribution of an equivalent amount of the Library endowment will earn the donor the desired commemorative opportunity.
- Named Endowment Funds. For a minimum endowment contribution of $10,000, a commemorative fund will be established within the Library's endowment with annual earnings from the fund used to benefit a specific collection, program or facility as designated by the donor. Such designations, however, must be consistent with the current or anticipated collections, programs or projects as established by the Library.
- Endowment Plaque. Endowment gifts of $2,500 or more will be acknowledged on a perpetual plaque which will hang at the Main Library. If such gift is made in the name of a group, husband and wife, or a family, that name may be used in lieu of an individual citation. Multiple individual names, however, require gifts of $2,500 each for such inscribed acknowledgement.
- Memorials. Memorial gifts will be accepted and acknowledgement cards sent to the surviving family member specified by the donor. When memorial contributions honoring an individual reach an aggregate amount of $500 or more, the name of that individual will be inscribed on a Memorial Plaque which will hang at the Main Library.
Administrative Procedure 612.01 (Adopted 2-91)
The Board of Trustees of the Kansas City Public Library District intends to accept and receive designated funds from donors only to the extent that it is appropriate, practical and in the best interests of the Library to accomplish the donors intentions. If over time, the intent of the donor for the earnings from any fund or the corpus of any funds or property held by the Library becomes obsolete, impractical or inappropriate, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to redirect earnings or to re-designate the corpus in a manner consistent with the needs of the Library. (Ref: 182.705 (10) RSMo)
Board Policy 613 (Adopted 2-91)
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the nonprofit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
- To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
- To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
- To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
- To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
- To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
- To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
- To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
- To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
- To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
- To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits. It has been endorsed by numerous organizations.
Board Policy 614 (Adopted 1-09)
In accordance with the Library Goal for Community Relations and the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association, which affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, third party public outreach, including the collection of signatures for ballot initiatives, may occur on the property of or within the facilities of The Kansas City Public Library. The Chief Executive shall develop procedures governing the time, place, and manner of such activity, remembering that quiet enjoyment of the Library is the right of all patrons.
Board Policy 615 (Adopted 6-09)
615.01 Outreach Requests
615.02 Limits on Third Party Public Outreach Activities
615.03 Compliance with Guidelines
615.01 Outreach Requests
A request to use a Library facility or facilities for third party public outreach should be made to the respective branch director or manager.
Administrative Procedure 615.01 (Adopted 6-09)
615.02 Limits on Third Party Public Outreach Activities
In keeping with the Library’s commitment to customer service and the provision of a safe and inviting atmosphere, as well as unimpeded access, the respective Library director or manager may set limits on the time allowed for third party public outreach, the number of people participating in this activity at any one time, the display of materials or presentation of petitions, and the places where this activity may occur.
Administrative Procedure 615.02 (Adopted 6-09)
615.03 Compliance with Guidelines
Any individual involved in third party outreach will be expected to comply with any and all guidelines for behavior and not to engage in any activity in violation of Federal, State, local, or other applicable law, or Library policy.
Administrative Procedure 615.03 (Adopted 6-09)