2017: Push Your Shelf
2017: Push Your Shelf

Adult Summer Reading 2017
When it comes to building a better world, why should kids have all the fun?
The Adult Winter Reading Program has migrated seasons to merge with the youth-focused Summer Reading Program, creating one great reading challenge for all ages. It's still the same enjoyable, lively, self-directed bookish experience from years past, but this year grown-ups get to read along with the younger set!
While the youth of Kansas City will be "Building a Better World," we encourage the adults to do the same and "Push Your Shelf." Read a book outside your comfort zone; explore new reading formats such as audiobooks or eBooks; discover different titles using the Library's new online catalog; or get fresh reading suggestions by completing a Personalized Reading Profile or using the NoveList database.
You can also go beyond the books by finding ways to challenge yourself and take part in activities that enrich yourself or our community. Attend a special Library event. Read to a child. Build your own recommended reading list in the Library catalog. Join a book club. Volunteer at your favorite local non-profit agency.
There are a wealth of ways to Push Your Shelf and read beyond boundaries. How will YOU build a better world this summer?

New This Year
The Library is introducing a new digital service for both Adult and Youth Summer Reading programs. Using this online book logging tool, both adult readers and parents of young readers will have a greater ability to record and manage completed books, get ideas for further reading selections, and browse activities and events that will enhance the reading experience. (But analog paper versions will still be available at Library locations!)
And in line with the Push Your Shelf theme, there’s a new way to participate in this year’s program. In the spirit of trying new things and getting outside one’s usual routine, we've created a list of Suggested Activities to consider during Summer Reading. Completing five activities earns you an additional prize... check out the list here!
Suggested Reading
Library staff have put together a brief guide to the many exemplary books (and authors!) that are official Push Your Shelf selections. All of these titles are available for checkout from the Library. Paperbacks, large print, ebooks, and audio formats may also be available.
The 2017 Adult Summer Reading Program also offers book discussion groups where readers may join in smart conversations about select suggested reading titles.
Push Your Shelf Summer Reading 2017 Suggested Reading
Activity Options
- Try out the Library's personalized reading profile service: Get reading recommendations from our expert librarians, tailored specifically to your tastes. Give it a try online or ask a Library staff person about it.
- Make a reading list using the Library's online catalog: One of the new catalog's features is the ability for patrons to create and share their own reading lists. Try it out and make lists for yourself or for others to enjoy. Visit the Catalog »
- Act of service: Whether you're volunteering for a cause you care about or raising awareness and support for a local organization, the Library encourages you to do something that positively impacts our community.
- Visit a Library location: Did you know the Library has 10 locations throughout the metro? We invite you to visit a site other than your usual neighborhood branch. Or if you've never been in a physical branch, come and see us. See all our Library locations »
- Try a different reading format: Never tried an eBook or digital audiobook before? Try services like OverDrive or Hoopla, or ask a Library staff person how they work... we'd be happy to show you. Visit our Digital Branch »
- Talk about a book with others: You don't have to be in a book club to talk about a title you enjoy. Strike up a conversation about your latest reading experience with friends, family, or colleagues. If you are looking to join a book group, several meet at various Library locations. See all our Readers Services »
- Attend a Library event: From family fun to notable speakers and authors, the Library's free public programs provide opportunities to hear different ideas and viewpoints about history, politics, culture, race, education, entertainment, and more. See our Event Calendar »
- Take a Shelfie: Share your current reading experience by taking a “shelfie” photo of you and your latest book, then post it to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #KCSummerReads (and tag the Library).
- Gift a book: Whether it's a birthday or just because you think a friend or acquaintance would enjoy a certain title, books make great gifts!
- Visit a community space: Public spaces are important for building community. Be it a park, a garden, a cultural center, or your neighborhood Library location, take time to share space and interact with others. And you can add other activities of your own!
Youth Summer Reading 2017