Kansas City Public Library Statement Welcoming Afghan Evacuees

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Taliban’s August siege of Afghanistan prompted the evacuation of 100,000 Afghans. The first of 550 Kansas City-bound evacuees arrived in mid-September, and local nonprofits continue to greet them.

The Kansas City Public Library is prepared to welcome them as well. Through our ongoing work with immigrants and refugees, we are aware of the challenges newcomers face — particularly the most vulnerable who’ve unexpectedly lost their homes, their belongings, and in some cases, family members.  

Organizations like Della Lamb, Catholic Charities, and Jewish Vocational Services are rushing to meet the basic needs of the newest Kansas Citians, providing them with shelter, food, and clothing.

We at the Library look forward to doing our part as well. We’re eager to ease the transition of incoming Afghans by offering the same community resources we provide all our patrons, including assistance with job and housing searches and connections to vital social services. 
But we also know that literacy is a key component of empowering someone to live their best life. The life they want to lead. 

Our Refugee & Immigrant Services & Empowerment program (RISE) team stands at the ready to prepare Afghan evacuees, and everyone who has joined us from abroad, with the language skills and confidence to become active members of the surrounding communities.

We understand many new arrivals were members of professional and often highly technical fields in their home countries, while others have lived without the benefit of education. Out of sensitivity to our patrons’ needs, we take our cues from those who come to us.

The Kansas City Public Library is open to all. We’re here to fill whatever need will make members of our community, be they new or well-established, feel at home and thrive.

We ask you, and our community, to join us in making our Afghan neighbors feel at home. 

Your Kansas City Public Library

Learn more about RISE