Library Offers Access to Kansas City Star Digital Editions

Want to read the latest digital edition of The Kansas City Star? The Library has long provided free access to text-only articles from the newspaper’s archive dating back to 1991, which is useful for research and searching for specific articles. But recently we have added a new, enhanced service from provider NewsBank – America’s News that lets readers view full image editions of The Star.

The Kansas City Star Image Edition allows you to read a digital version of full newspaper editions just as they appear in print. This new option is useful for readers seeking a convenient way to peruse today’s issue, or to look up content in past editions that may not have been in a formally written article or made available on The Star’s website. Using the image edition, you can flip through the paper’s pages in order, or jump ahead to view a specific section.  

Try the Image Edition Now
KC Star Text Edition

KC Star Image Edition

The image edition consists of a collection dating from 2013 up through the current day’s paper. And beyond providing a more visual way to read the day’s headlines and news online, the service features a number of additional tools that prove useful for readers and researchers.  
  • Works on your desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone – no special app needed. Simply zoom in to read the content.
  • Search by keyword and conduct text searches within an individual issue or page.
  • Citation help tools are built in to the service.
  • Create custom alerts for search criteria results, and have them emailed to you according to a schedule you choose.
  • Want to save an article or screenshot of a page? You can share, clip, email, print, or download a copy.
  • And if you plan to regularly save and store multiple articles or files, you can create an account with NewsBank and save to a digital folder. (NOTE: to use this feature, users will need to register for a free NewsBank account; this is not associated with your Kansas City Public Library account.)

A Kansas City Public Library card is required to access this service outside Library locations; however, a card is not required if using while at a Library computer or connected to Library Wi-Fi.

Get a Library card   |    Apply for an eCard  (digital access only; not necessary for KC Library cardholders)

The image edition is now the third searchable Star archive that Library cardholders can access:
The Library also offers the public access to the text editions of 47 other U.S. news magazines through NewsBank, including The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Newsweek, and more. Search available NewsBank collections by topic, event, or other keywords. (And if you prefer to view official digitial editions of popular magazines, the Library has you covered with titles available through the Overdrive service.)

Learn more about the Kansas City Star Image Edition and other digital newspaper and magazine offerings provided courtesy of your Library at