Winston Churchill and the Iron Curtain: Cold Warrior or Peacemaker? - Klaus Larres

Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech – delivered 70 years ago at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri – still resounds today. Most contemporaries, and subsequently historians, took it as a call to resist Soviet expansionist policies in Eastern Europe. Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev regarded the remarks as the opening shot of the Cold War. The University of North Carolina’s Klaus Larres has come to a different conclusion. An expert on U.S. and European foreign policy during the Cold War and international relations in the post-Cold War era, he is the author of Churchill’s Cold War: The Politics of Personal Diplomacy. He discusses his research, analysis, and what he maintains were the great British statesman’s primary objectives: overcoming the division of Europe, creating a more stable world, and maintaining Britain as a postwar power.

Winston Churchill and the Iron Curtain: Cold Warrior or Peacemaker? - Klaus Larres

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