Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.
As the latest wave of infections wanes, how heavily does the COVID-19 pandemic continue to weigh on public health and well-being – the fatigue of two years of coping, the stresses of disruptions at work and especially in our schools?
A blue-ribbon panel of civic and health leaders assesses where we are and what might lie ahead in Kansas City, looking in particular at the landscape for children and families, in a special presentation at the Library’s Plaza Branch. Participants include Mayor Quinton Lucas, city health department Director Marvia Jones, Kansas City Public Schools Superintendent Mark Bedell, and Children's Mercy Kansas City President and CEO Paul Kempinski.
Library Director and CEO John Herron moderates the conversation.
The event marks the return of the Library’s signature programming to an in-person format.