A Song of Faith and Hope

Presented By
Frankie Muse Freeman

Frankie Muse Freeman discusses her memoir A Song of Faith and Hope: The Life of Frankie Muse Freeman on Friday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Library, 14 W. 10th St.

In 1964, she became the first woman appointed to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, leaving in 1979 to serve as inspector general of the Community Services Administration. During these years, she was also St. Louis Housing Authority general counsel—and lost her job amid bitter controversy stirred up by a commission hearing in St. Louis County.

This memoir tells the story of Frankie Freeman's life and career. There were high points, such as meetings with President Lyndon Johnson, historic commission hearings, and her national presidency of Delta Sigma Theta sorority. There were also difficult times, such as the illness and death of her husband and son. Through it all, she continued to fight for what she believed in, kept her faith, and carried on.

To celebrate the triumphant life of Frankie Muse Freeman, the program will include a conversation about her milestone achievements. Denise Jordan, publisher of the Kansas City Globe, will moderate the discussion. Panelists scheduled to participate include Seattle civic leader Mona H. Bailey, St. Louis Educator Sandra Lucado, Lisa Hardwick of the Missouri Court of Appeals, and Helen Ragsdale of the Kansas City, Missouri School Board.

The program is co-sponsored by the Kansas City Missouri Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in celebration of 40 years of service to the Kansas City community.

A Song of Faith and Hope

Date & Location
In Person