old pistol

Murder and Mayhem: Tales of Two Cities

Presented By
Amy Von Lintel

Most of the historical connections between Kansas City and its unofficial sister city of Amarillo, Texas – as outlined in the Library exhibit Cattle, Cowboys, and Culture : Kansas City and Amarillo, Building an Urban West – entailed cattle and other commerce, architecture, education, and art.

Others were … um, a bit on the seedier side: murders, train robberies, bank heists, and other crimes and scandals.

Exhibit co-creator Amy Von Lintel, a native Kansas Citian who is an associate professor of art history at West Texas A&M University, looks at those more tabloid-worthy ties – from an 1890s Wells Fargo heist and murder that took place on the rail line between KC and Amarillo to a fatal feud between two Texas Panhandle cattlemen with Kansas City connections that played out because of a cheating wife.


old pistol

Murder and Mayhem: Tales of Two Cities

Date & Location