The Kansas City Sprit was in evidence with the 1900 construction of a new convention hall in just 90 days and in how the community has pulled together to recover from floods and other disasters. Norman Rockwell even created a painting celebrating it. Bruce Mathews and his co-authors (Mamie Hughes, Andrew Kaplan, Christopher Leitch, Lynn Mackle, and Carol Powers) and Library Director Crosby Kemper III discuss the new book about Kansas City’s legendary spirit.
This volume recalls some of these defining moments and examines the contributions and personal stories of citizens whose lives exemplified that spirit.
This event is underwritten by Gerald and Anita Gorman, Jim and Dana Bartimus, Morton Sosland, John and Mary Hunkeler, Mary Davidson Cohen, Steve Noll, Bob and Lynn Mackle, Don and Adele Hall, Jim and Judy Heeter, John and Nancy Dillingham, Bob and Barbara Unell, Henry Bloch, Kenny and Ann Baum, Rick and Betsy Solberg, Bruce and Melanie Mathews, the Kansas City Public Library, Star Books, and the Kansas City Museum.