woman and man behind red and white overlay

Here We Are: American Dreams, American Nightmares

Presented By
Aarti Namdev Shahani

The Shahanis came to New York City from India—by way of Casablanca—in the 1980s, only to discover how complicated the immigrant experience can be. Precocious daughter Aarti earned a scholarship at an elite Manhattan prep school, going on to award-winning work as a National Public Radio correspondent. Her father set up a small electronics shop but saw it become a nightmare when he unwittingly sold watches and calculators to the Cali drug cartel. It landed him, unjustly, in prison on Rikers Island and in danger of deportation.

In a discussion of her new memoir Here We Are: American Dreams, American Nightmares, Aarti Shahani walks through her family’s wrenching story and how it reflects the extremes of American culture. The “deserving” are deified. The “undeserving” are demonized. Co-presented by Rainy Day Books.

This event is co-sponsored by: Rainy Day Books

woman and man behind red and white overlay

Here We Are: American Dreams, American Nightmares

Date & Location
In Person