Vartan Gregorian

An Evening with Vartan Gregorian

Vartan Gregorian’s considerable legacy as a scholar and humanitarian stretches from his presidencies of the New York Public Library, Brown University, and philanthropic Carnegie Corporation to his founding and oversight (with actor George Clooney, among others) of the international Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity.

It extends, too, to Kansas City, where Gregorian delivered a memorable testament to the importance of public libraries at the 2002 launch of a campaign to relocate the downtown Central Library into the stately former First National Bank building. He returns as the Library celebrates the 15th anniversary of that move, sitting down with Director Crosby Kemper III for a public conversation on the continued significance of libraries, the importance of liberal arts—and the 4-year-old Aurora Prize.

They’re joined at end by Gregorian’s son, Kansas City Star sports columnist Vahe Gregorian.

Libraries as Acts of Civic Renewal booklet

Program attendees recieved a copy of the booklet "Libraries as Acts of Civic Renewal," featuring remarks originally given by Vartan Gregorian during the public launch of the capital campaign for the Central Library on October 17, 2002.  A digital copy is available for download here.

© 2002 Carnegie Corporation of New York, reprinted with permission

Libraries as Acts of Civic Renewal
Vartan Gregorian

An Evening with Vartan Gregorian

Date & Location
Reception: 6 pm
In Person