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A Conversation with Patrick Rosal

Patrick Rosal’s poetry, writes one critic, “skillfully navigates between despair and love, between violence and music, between loss and transcendence ... I’ve seen him make people cry during his readings. I’ve seen him play a guitar, play the piano, sing, and yes, dance.”

Rosal holds a discussion about his work with New Letters on the Air host Angela Elam.

The son of immigrants from the Philippines, Rosal has written three award-winning poetry collections: Boneshepherds, My American Kundiman, and Uprock Headspin Scramble and Dive. His poems and narration were featured in the Argentine feature-length film Anhua: Amanecer, and he wrote the script for the documentary Camp Roxas, directed by Alex Munoz.

This event is co-sponsored by: Park University
More in this series:
The Voices of Heaven - Maija Rhee Devine
Central Library |

A Conversation with Patrick Rosal

Date & Location
In Person