Amy and Misha Kligman in Conversation

Amy & Misha Kligman: In Conversation

Presented By
Amy & Misha Kligman

In their current solo exhibitions Sanctuaries and kaleidoscope, Kansas City artists Amy and Misha Kligman explore the parallel paths of personal experience that have taken the couple to distinctly different creative ends.

They reflect on their respective creations in a public event that serves as an extension of the ongoing personal conversation between them about the works—about their content, about their individual processes, about the shared and individual experiences that informed the works.

Amy Kligman serves as executive/artistic director of the Charlotte Street Foundation. Misha Kligman is an associate professor of fine art at Johnson County Community College. Both have exhibited regionally and nationally.

Both Sanctuaries and kaleidoscope are on display in the Central Library through March 22.


Amy and Misha Kligman in Conversation

Amy & Misha Kligman: In Conversation

Date & Location
Reception: 6 pm
In Person