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Making KC (More) Competitive

Presented By
John Murphy, Sheri Gonzales

Kansas City can point to growth. But compared with other similar-sized metropolitan areas, prosperity is lagging.

KC Rising, a cooperative of business, civic, education, and philanthropy leaders looking to improve our area’s economic prospects, wants to push KC to a top-10 ranking among 31 peer cities across the country in three key areas: gross domestic product, quality jobs, and median household income. Target date is 2025, and there’s clearly work to be done. Kansas City’s standing is slipping, down to 20th, 13th, and 16th, respectively.

John Murphy of Shook, Hardy & Bacon and Sheri Gonzales, vice president of the Civic Council of Greater Kansas City, detail KC Rising’s efforts and lead a discussion of the important issues facing the city now and going forward. Audience input is encouraged – it’s your chance to express yourself on KC’s future.

This event is co-sponsored by: KC Rising

city skyline

Making KC (More) Competitive

Date & Location
Reception: 6 pm
In Person