Due to severe weather conditions, including heavy snow, ice accumulation, and high winds, all Kansas City Public Library locations will be closing early at 4 p.m. Saturday, January 4 and remain closed Sunday, January 5.
The Board of Trustees of the Kansas City Public Library District (an Urban Public Library District organized under Sections 182.701-182.723 RSMo) shall function to provide a public library program the mission of which shall be to serve as a reliable community resource and a center for intellectual freedom serving primarily the residents of the Kansas City Public Library District and secondarily the residents of the metropolitan area by acquiring, organizing and disseminating books, non-print materials and services that help educate, enrich, entertain and inform.
The Authority of the Board of Trustees shall be as prescribed in Section 182.705 RSMo.
Return to top.Section 1. Membership
The Kansas City Public Library Board of Trustees shall be composed of nine members. The initial Board shall be appointed as prescribed by statute, and thereafter seven members shall be appointed by the Mayor of Kansas City, one by the Mayor of Independence, and one by the Mayor of Sugar Creek.
Section 2. Terms of Members
The terms of the initial appointees of the Board of Trustees shall be as prescribed by law (two for two years, three for three years and four for four years as determined by a draw of lots). Thereafter, terms of appointees shall be four years, commencing the first day of January of any year.
Return to top.Section 1. Officers
The officers of the Board of Trustees of the Kansas City Public Library shall be: President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2. Election of Officers and Term of Office
The officers so designated shall be elected annually at the regular January meeting of the Board, or as soon thereafter as the Board shall otherwise provide, and upon being so duly elected shall hold office for a term of one (1) year or until their successor be elected. If any officer resigns or becomes incapacitated so as to be unable to serve and perform the duties of his/her office, the Board shall at its next regular meeting elect a successor from other members of the Board to serve for the unexpired term of office.
Return to top.Section 1. Duties of Officers President of the Board
The President shall preside at all Board meetings; sign on behalf of the district all authorized contracts requiring Board signature; sign on behalf of the district all authorized checks for disbursement of funds of the Kansas City Public Library; and appoint committees of the Board as deemed necessary and authorized.
Section 2. Vice President of the Board
The Vice President of the Board shall perform all of the duties of the President of the Board in the absence of the President, and such other duties as may be directed and authorized by the Board.
Section 3. Secretary/Treasurer of the Board
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a true and accurate account of the proceedings of the Board, shall have custody of all Board records, shall conduct all Board correspondence and shall countersign with the president all checks for the disbursement of funds of the Kansas City Public Library District. The Secretary/Treasurer shall, when duly authorized, attest the signature of the President to contracts and documents.
Section 4. Secretary to the Board
The Library Director and his/her designees shall assist the Secretary/Treasurer and other officers in the conduct of their duties and shall maintain all proceedings and records on behalf of the Board and its officers.
Return to top.Section 1. Meetings of the Board
Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held monthly; dates, hour and place to be determined by the Board.
Section 2. Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called at any time by the President of the Board with due notice. A special meeting of the Board will be held when requested, in writing, by at least five members.
Section 3. Quorum
A majority of the full Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of the full Board of Trustees shall be required to enter into any contract, employ or dismiss the chief administrative officer of the District, affect a merger or consolidation, or approve a budget.
Section 4. Attendance
Whenever any member of the Board shall fail to attend four consecutive Board meetings, or six meetings within a calendar year, then the Board will recommend to the appointing authority of the specific jurisdiction represented by the trustee that the trustee be removed from the Board and request that a replacement be made.
Section 5. Committees of the Board
The President may appoint such committees as deemed necessary by the Board to conduct business and satisfy the representatives of the Board. Committees of the Board shall be subject to the direction of the Board and its constituted officers, and shall have no power to act independently unless for a specifically authorized purpose or function.
Section 6. Telephonic Meetings
One or more Board members may participate in a meeting of the Board of trustees, or of a committee of the Board, by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment provided that all persons participating in the meeting can hear and speak to each other. All members so participating by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment shall be deemed present at the meeting.
Section 7. Parliamentary Procedure
Roberts Rules of Order, latest revised edition, when not in conflict with these by-laws, shall govern the conduct of business of the Board.
Return to top.Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Kansas City Public Library District shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 2. Indemnification
The Officers of the Board of Trustees of the Kansas City Public Library District, the Library Director, the Assistant Director, and the Board of Trustees shall be indemnified to the maximum extent permitted by law. Employees or agents of the Kansas City Public Library District may be indemnified to the maximum extent permitted by law upon a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. Expenses incurred by an indemnified person in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding shall be paid by the Kansas City Public Library District in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of such indemnified person to repay such amount if it is ultimately determined that the indemnified person is not entitled to be indemnified under Missouri Law. The foregoing right of indemnification and advancement of expenses shall in no way be exclusive of any other rights of indemnification or advancement of expenses to which any such person may be entitled by agreement or otherwise.
Return to top.Section 1. Library Director Appointment
The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Library Director to serve at the pleasure of the Board, and shall fix the compensation.
Section 2. Assistant Director
The Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the Library Director, may appoint an assistant director to serve at the pleasure of the Board, and shall fix the compensation.
Section 3. Library Director Duties
The Library Director shall carry forward the policies, goals and objectives adopted by the Board.
The Director shall direct and supervise all library staff members in the performance of their duties and shall be authorized to employ, in the name of the Board of Trustees, all staff and employees of the Library and to discharge same subject to the right of any staff member or employee to request and receive a hearing as to their discharge.
The Library Director shall submit to the Board of Trustees recommendations for such policies and procedures that, in the director’s opinion, will promote the efficiency of the Library in its service to the residents of the District.
The Library Director shall prepare and submit in final form a proposed operating budget for a public hearing to be held pursuant to Chapter 67.110 RSMo, and then present it at the regular June Board meeting for adoption. This budget shall reflect the anticipated income and expenditures for the coming year. The budget will be examined for any needed adjustments. This budget shall always be made available upon request for public examination. A copy of the approved budget shall be filed with each municipal office and with the State Auditor.
In addition, the Library Director shall submit a monthly report to the Board at its regular meeting containing a statement of the conditions or the condition of the budget, together with the statement of all monies received and disbursements made or sought to be authorized, and report on the operation and progress of the Library.
The Library Director shall present to the Board of Trustees at its regular August meeting (or as soon thereafter as possible) an annual report of the Kansas City Public Library and an audit by a CPA or an independent auditing firm which, when approved by the Board, shall be submitted to the respective municipal bodies and to the Missouri State Library on or before the 30th day of September. This annual report and audit shall always be made available to the public upon request. A copy of the Library District audit shall be filed with the Municipal Administrative offices.
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