Due to severe weather conditions, including heavy snow, ice accumulation, and high winds, all Kansas City Public Library locations will be closing early at 4 p.m. Saturday, January 4 and remain closed Sunday, January 5.
700: Interagency Cooperation
The Kansas City Public Library shall cooperate with other libraries, governmental units, organizations and service agencies to improve the quality and efficiency of library services for the greater Kansas City metropolitan area.
Board Policy 701 (Adopted 1-89)
The Kansas City Public Library shall work cooperatively on service programs and establish agreements with any public library district in the metropolitan area for reciprocal lending or usage which will improve the community's access to library resources.
Board Policy 702 (Adopted 5-90)
The Kansas City Public Library recognizes both its role as a resource library within the State of Missouri; and the necessity of State support for the fulfillment of this role. Consistent with adequate and appropriate support, the Kansas City Public Library shall extend borrowing privileges (through the issuance of a borrower's card) to any Missouri resident complying with established procedures for its issuance and usage.
Board Policy 703 (Adopted 5-90)
The Kansas City Public Library shall cooperate with other libraries and consortia at the local, regional and national level to develop the most efficient and effective methods for bibliographic control and resource sharing.
Board Policy 705 (Adopted 5-90)
The Board of Trustees and Staff of the Kansas City Public Library shall work with local, state and federal officials and legislators to develop legislation, funding and other mechanisms to achieve the highest quality of library service within the Kansas City Library District.
Board Policy 711 (Adopted 5-90)
The Kansas City Public Library through its Board and Staff shall develop formal and informal relationships with community and cultural agencies and organizations which complement the mission and goals of the Library District.
Board Policy 716 (Adopted 5-90)