Due to severe weather conditions, including heavy snow, ice accumulation, and high winds, all Kansas City Public Library locations will be closing early at 4 p.m. Saturday, January 4 and remain closed Sunday, January 5.
400: Facilities and Equipment
A goal of the Kansas City Public Library is to ensure that staff members and customers of the Library shall have adequate facilities and equipment made available to them to support a program of library service designed to successfully meet their needs.
Board Policy 401 (Adopted 1-89)
401.01 Evaluating Existing Buildings
All existing library facilities will be evaluated at least each three years as to space, acoustics, equipment, appearance, and accessibility by individuals with disabilities in terms of adequacy for supporting desired library use, for economic efficiency, and for compliance with ADA Title II Accessibility Guidelines. Established need for major rehabilitation and remodeling will be added annually to the Library Development Projection.
Administrative Procedure 401.01 (Adopted 4-90 / Rev. 12-94)
Library facilities and grounds may be used as permitted by law for worthwhile educational, recreational, civic and cultural activities when such use does not interfere with the regular library program. Such community use of Library facilities shall be controlled by regulations issued by the Library Director.
Board Policy 402 (Adopted 4-90)
The Board of Trustees expects utilization, operation and maintenance of library plant and equipment to set high standards of safety, to promote the health of customers and staff, to reflect the moral and cultural aspirations of the community and to support environmentally the efforts of the staff to provide excellent library services.
Board Policy 405 (Adopted 4-90)
405.01 General Policy
405.02 Compliance
405.03 Public Areas
405.04 Staff Working Areas
405.05 Maintenance Areas
405.06 Ladders
405.07 Electrical Equipment
405.08 Hazardous Materials
405.09 Bloodborne Pathogens
405.10 Lifting and Working Methods
405.11 Vehicle Operations
405.01 General Policy
The Kansas City Public Library places the highest priority on the safety and well-being of its staff, who are its most important asset. With that in mind, it is the responsibility of each staff member, and most particularly the responsibility of each member in a leadership position, to help maintain the highest safety standards, and the constant encouragement of safe work practices. As a public facility, it is the responsibility of each of us to maintain an equally safe and hazard-free environment at all our locations for the customers who are our reason for being.
Administrative Procedure 405.01 (Adopted 9-97)
405.02 Compliance
Safety rules and procedures exist to protect our staff and our customers from needless risks and harm. Deliberate violations of safety rules, or repeated accidents indicating that a member is not doing all that could reasonably be done to prevent an accident, may result in disciplinary action.
Administrative Procedure 405.02 (Adopted 9-97)
405.03 Public Areas
All public areas must be maintained in a clean and orderly manner, free of hazards. It is the responsibility of all staff members to be alert for potential safety hazards, and to report them when seen. Furniture, chairs, books and other items must not be placed in such a manner as to obstruct free movement. Spills or trash on floors must be cleaned up immediately. No equipment or materials may overhang public areas without being secured. All lights in public areas must be in working condition, and burned out bulbs must be replaced immediately. When potential hazards are noted, they should be reported to maintenance staff or the building attendants without delay. All staff members should be familiar with the locations of fire hoses, fire extinguishers and fire exits.
Administrative Procedure 405.03 (Adopted 9-97)
405.04 Staff Working Areas
All staff working areas must be maintained in as clean a manner as public areas, and properly lighted whenever occupied. Telephone or computer cords must not be allowed to cross floor areas unless properly anchored and covered. Carpets must be tightly anchored, with no loose ends, threads or wrinkles, and must not be worn to the point of creating tripping hazards.
Office equipment must be firmly placed on stable platforms, not capable of being inadvertently tipped over. Desk, cabinet and file drawers must be kept closed when not attended. File drawers should be opened one at a time to prevent them from tipping over. All electrical equipment should be properly grounded, and all power cords should be in good condition, without breaks in the insulation, or frayed areas. All tools, equipment and machinery must be kept clean, maintained in good working condition, and used only for their correct purpose. All staff members should be familiar with the locations of fire hoses, fire extinguishers and fire exits in and around their working areas.
Administrative Procedure 405.04 (Adopted 9-97)
405.05 Maintenance Areas
All maintenance areas should be kept free of trash, with all containers tightly closed. Storage of flammable substances must be in appropriate fire-rated cabinets. Tools and working equipment must be properly stored in such a manner as not to cause damage or injury. Items stored should be in stable configuration, and should not create tipping hazards. All cabinets above floor level should be equipped with locking devices to prevent their inadvertent opening.
Administrative Procedure 405.05 (Adopted 9-97)
405.06 Ladders
Ladders must be appropriately rated, and, when used, properly stabilized. Step ladders must be equipped with a metal spreader or locking device to securely hold the front and back sides in position. The top two steps must never be used to stand on. Whenever possible, straight ladders should be tied off at the top, to prevent movement. Ladders should be inspected prior to each use, and any defective ladder should be removed from service immediately. Crates, boxes, or other materials should never be used in place of the appropriate ladder or stepstool.
Administrative Procedure 405.06 (Adopted 9-97)
405.07 Electrical Equipment
Before service or maintenance is performed on any machinery, equipment or electrical circuits capable of the unexpected release of energy, turn them off, disconnect them from the energy source, and either lock or tag out the equipment until such maintenance is completed. (This standard does not apply when servicing cord or plug connected electrical equipment which will be under the exclusive control of the staff member, so long as the power source is visible to that person.)
Administrative Procedure 405.07 (Adopted 9-97)
405.08 Hazardous Materials
The library does not normally maintain a large stock of hazardous materials, but for those items for which a Material Safety Data Sheet has been supplied, the MSDS must be maintained convenient to the place of usage, and available to the staff member for review. Use of hazardous materials requires wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment. A book of MSDS's is maintained by the Security and Safety Manager.
Administrative Procedure 405.08 (Adopted 9-97)
405.09 Bloodborne Pathogens
As a public facility, the library is open to all persons, some of whom may have been exposed to infectious diseases. The most dangerous bloodborne hazards are Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B. These can only be transmitted through bodily fluids, and normal contact is not considered a hazard. HIV virus is extremely delicate, and cannot survive outside the body for appreciable periods of time, or at room temperatures. Hepatitis B is hardy, and can survive for up to 12 days. It can survive in a dried state, reactivating when moistened. Staff who may need to clean up blood or other fluid spills should not do so with bare hands, as entry into the bloodstream may be effected through small cuts, abrasions or rashes of the skin. Any fluids cleaned up should be considered contaminated, and rubber gloves should be worn. Fluids should be cleaned up using a solution of 9 parts water to 1 part Clorox. This solution has a shelf life of only 8 hours, so must be made fresh for each need. Because of the risk of needle sticks, staff should never handle restroom wastes barehanded, nor attempt to use hands to compress the contents of waste bags.
Administrative Procedure 405.09 (Adopted 9-97)
405.10 Lifting and Working Methods
Although the library makes every effort not to create fully loaded boxes, staff members should at all times be aware of proper lifting methods. All loads should be picked up using legs rather than the back, and should be carried only in the erect position. So-called "back belts," while not classified as personal protective equipment, may provide some aid in avoiding back problems, but they must be worn properly. They should be worn low over the hips, and sufficiently snug to prevent uncomfortable bending. They are no substitute for proper conditioning, or correct lifting posture. Back belts are provided by the library upon supervisory request. Staff should avoid long periods of repetitive small motions of the hands, without varying activities. Keyboarded equipment, when staff are using them for long periods, should be equipped with wrist rests or other devices to prevent irritation of wrist and hand tissues. Chairs intended for all-day use of staff should be properly sized and adjusted to prevent fatigue and strain.
Administrative Procedure 405.10 (Adopted 9-97)
405.11 Vehicle Operations
The operation of library vehicles, as well as personal vehicles for library purposes, must be governed by the highest rules of care and caution. No one may drive a library vehicle unless properly authorized, and in possession of a valid driver's license. Supervisors are responsible for assuring that all staff members assigned to drive have valid licenses, and shall periodically check for currency. All vehicles should be inspected prior to use, and safety-related defects should be attended to immediately. Seat belts must be worn by all occupants when driving or riding in a vehicle so equipped. Proper observance of traffic rules is not only a legal issue, but a safety issue as well. Courtesy in driving costs nothing, very rarely results in any appreciable delays, and helps to avoid accidents. If any accident occurs involving a library vehicle, police must be notified, and it must be reported immediately through Library channels, as well.
Administrative Procedure 405.11 (Adopted 9-97)
The need for and the extent of new construction shall be determined by the Board of Trustees based upon changing library programs, by the condition of existing facilities, and by present and projected financial resources.
Board Policy 410 (Adopted 4-90)
410.01 ADA Accessibility Standards
Language shall be included in all contracts for the construction/alteration of Library facilities to ensure that each facility is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities and complies in all respects with ADA Title II Accessibility Guidelines.
Administrative Procedure 410.01 (Adopted 12-94)
Local library boards in the State of Missouri are charged with the sole responsibility for selecting library sites and the authority for approval cannot be delegated. The Library Director shall establish such criteria and procedures as are necessary to assure the Board that the best possible sites are considered and/or acquired for the expenditure of public funds.
Board Policy 411 (Adopted 4-90)
The manner and extent to which a site serves library needs shall be considered the prime measure of suitability; however, potential for supporting other cultural functions in the community shall be considered in site selection.
Board Policy 412 (Adopted 4-90)
The Board of Trustees, while exercising the sovereign powers delegated to it by statute for governing the affairs of the Library District, will consult with other governmental and interested non-governmental bodies in locating library sites and constructing library buildings so as to enhance the long-term welfare of the community in the best possible manner.
Board Policy 413 (Adopted 4-90)
The Board of Trustees, by an affirmative vote at least a majority of the whole Board, may:
- Select, direct and authorize the purchase of sites for and authorize the construction of libraries, offices, and other facilities to be used in the operation and maintenance of the libraries.
- Direct and authorize the purchase of additional ground needed for library purposes.
Board Policy 414 (Adopted 4-90)
Acquisition of property for Library purposes shall proceed in the following manner:
- The Board of Trustees shall receive a study by the Library Director showing:
- The need to purchase property-real estate and/or a building(s), and
- A suitable financial plan to make the purchase.
- The Board of Trustees shall approve an authorization for the Library Director to proceed in respect to specified property.
- The property shall be appraised at current market value by two appraisers who shall be members of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, or a certifying body which subscribes to a similar code of ethics.
- The Library Director shall recommend to the Board of Trustees an appraiser for each tract or for adjoining tracts proposed for purchase.
- Negotiations with the owner on the basis of the appraisals shall be made, using professional assistance as approved by the Board of Trustees.
- The purchase shall be consummated or condemnation proceedings shall be instituted by a favorable vote of at least a majority of the whole Board.
- All legal considerations shall be adequately covered at each point in the transaction.
- The Board's general policy regarding affirmative action shall apply wherever practical.
Board Policy 415 (Adopted 4-90)
If the Library District seeks to acquire real property for any purpose for which the Library is authorized by law to acquire the property and cannot agree with the owner on the purchase price, or for any other cause cannot secure a title to the property, the Library may condemn the property in the manner provided in sections 523.010 to 523.100, RSMo, and upon condemnation and payment of the appraisement as provided, the fee simple title of the real property shall vest in the Library. (Ref: 182.705 RSMo)
Board Policy 416 (Adopted 4-90)
The Board of Trustees shall have sole responsibility for naming or renaming Library facilities and/or subunits of facilities. Generally, facilities shall be named with a preference for geographic or functional designations. Exceptions may be considered when there is a strong community desire for a specific name for a facility, when the Board desires to honor an individual for outstanding contributions in keeping with the nature and mission of the Library, or when a donor or donors desire a specific designation for a facility and contributes significantly to the construction cost of the facility or makes an equivalent contribution to the Library endowment. The Chief Executive shall be responsible for developing guidelines and administrative procedures to effectively consider such exceptions.
All naming requests will be brought before the Board for their approval with exceptions to policy explicitly noted.
The Chief Executive will provide background material on the designee, proposed wording for recognition, reasons for the recognition, and justification of costs and donations at a Board meeting for approval at a future Board of Trustees meeting.
Board Policy 418 (Adopted 2-91/Rev. 7-07)
418.01 Naming Library Facilities in Recognition of Donors
418.02 Tribute, Memorial or Community Initiated Naming of Library Facilities
418.01 Naming Library Facilities in Recognition of Donors
New or geographically named Library facilities may be named or renamed as designated by a donor who makes a significant monetary contribution to the Library. Donors who wish to name such facilities and have the unit bear their desired name exclusively, must provide 75% to 100% of the cost of construction and equipment.
Donors who will allow subunits of the facility or site to include other naming opportunities must provide 50% of the cost of construction. In either instance, the "cost of construction" will be the actual cost expended, if the amount of the contribution is negotiated within three (3) years of actual construction, or the current replacement/construction cost if the facility is more than three years old.
Other naming opportunities within a facility will include such areas as auditoriums, meeting rooms, special use areas, collections and equipment. Appropriate contributions for such naming opportunities will be determined by square footage cost, actual cost of equipment, on-going operating cost, etc., depending on the specific area or item. Such naming opportunities should be available to donors for 50% to l00% of the actual cost.
Named facilities or areas within facilities shall bear a plaque citing the significant role of the donor in expanding the scope of Library services. Plaques or other commemorative items will be provided by the Library.
In consultation with the Board of Trustees, the Library Director will establish and periodically update a listing of minimum contributions required to name Library facilities or subunits. Final decisions on naming facilities and/or accepting any offers of contributions to name facilities shall rest with the Board of Trustees.
Administrative Procedure 418.01 (Adopted 2-91)
418.02 Tribute, Memorial or Community Initiated Naming of Library Facilities
When there is significant community interest in naming a new library facility or portion of a library facility or in renaming a geographically designated library facility, the Library Director will recommend to the Board of Trustees the formation of a committee composed of citizens, staff and representatives of local community groups. The committee will be charged with the task of determining the desirability of any suggested names, making alternative suggestions for name possibilities and/or recommending that no name change be made or that a geographic designation be used.
In considering potential names for facilities to honor or memorialize individuals, persons appropriate for consideration would include those who have attained local or national prominence in the field of education, science, art, statesmanship, political service, industry, etc.; and whose contributions are consistent with the nature and mission of the Library.
The committee will make its recommendations to the Library Director, who will then report to the Library Board. The Board of Trustees will have the final responsibility for naming any Library facility.
Administrative Procedure 418.02 (Adopted 2-91)
If a distinctive named Library facility is relocated, substantially remodeled, or converted to use other than its original use, the facility may be renamed to reflect the association of changed geography, new donors or community interests related to the changing facility. In such instances, the original name shall be honored in an appropriate manner.
The Board of Trustees shall have sole responsibility for renaming Library facilities and/or subunits of facilities, and all such requests will be brought to the Board as outlined in Board Policy 418.
Board Policy 419 (Adopted 7-07)
The Board of Trustees shall consider disposal of any real estate owned by the Library District but no longer needed for library purposes. Disposal of such property shall be in the manner prescribed by state law and in keeping with other appropriate real estate procedures.
The Board of Trustees by an affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole Board, may direct and authorize the sale and transfer of any real estate belonging to the Library District Sale or disposal of property other than real estate is set forth in Board Policy 550.
Real Estate when sold shall be:
- To the highest bidder after public notice; or
- To a state agency, municipal corporation, or other governmental subdivision, after notice, by negotiation; or
- To a public institution of higher learning by negotiation.
Whenever the Board of Trustees approves the sale of real estate owned by the Library, it shall be the policy of the Board:
- To seek the maximum legal financial return from the sale; however, this general objective shall not preclude transactions made on a negotiated basis when permitted by law.
- To utilize the assistance of people who have expertise in the sale of such property including appraisals and marketing.
- In the event that the District shall require special commitments or documentation from bidders the Board of Trustees may review such commitments or documents or refer them to a committee of its members for review and recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- To reserve the right to reject all bids whenever the Board of Trustees decides the price offered to be too low.
Board Policy 420 (Adopted 4-90)
Whenever the Board of Trustees determines that real estate owned by the Library is likely to be of no further use to the Library, such property shall be declared surplus and subject to possible sale. No formal offer of sale of such property shall be made in respect to any building and ground for at least thirty days after action by the Trustees declaring it surplus.
Board Policy 421 (Adopted 4-90)
In the sale of other disposition of surplus real or personal property, it shall be the policy of the Kansas City, Missouri Public Library to secure the written commitment of the party acquiring the property that the property is not to be sold to or to be used by any entity engaging in discrimination in any form which would be unlawful if practiced by a public library district.
Board Policy 422 (Adopted 4-90)
Any library real estate, after having been declared surplus by the Board and after such action has been posted for at least thirty (30) days, may be leased in accordance with Board Policies 420 and 421 wherever applicable.
Specifically the following shall apply:
- The Library will pursue the maximum legal financial return.
- The maximum term of any lease shall be three years.
- All agreements and conditions specified in a lease shall comply with law and Library poling regarding contracts.
- Property shall not be leased for use contrary to Library purposes and constraints.
- The Library shall approve the lease by a favorable vote of at least a majority of the whole Board of Trustees.
Board Policy 423 (Adopted 4-90)
The Library's mission to help educate, enrich, entertain and inform can be visually demonstrated through the incorporation of public art in library facilities. The Library Board sees public art as a tangible expression of community, an inspiration to citizens and a statement of civic pride. As a standard practice, the Library Board will seek to incorporate fine art (that is, visual art such as paintings, sculpture, photographs, graphics, etc. created primarily for aesthetic purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness) and artistic architectural elements in Library buildings when constructing facilities.
Fine art that no longer has a relevant place in the Library art collection and which has been owned for at least two years may be deaccessioned and disposed of as follows:
A majority vote of the Library Board is required to authorize the deaccession and disposal of art (or multiple art pieces) with an appraised or estimated value of more than $10,000;
The Executive Director may authorize the deaccession and disposal of art with an appraised or estimated value of $10,000 or less;
Should the deaccessed art be sold, the funds received will be allocated to the Library Art Fund, unless directed to alternative allocations by a majority vote of the Library Board.
No member of the Library Board, staff, or anyone whose association with the Library might give them an advantage in acquiring the art work shall be permitted to acquire directly or indirectly a work deaccessioned by the Library, or otherwise benefit from its sale or trade.
The Executive Director shall establish and maintain procedures to implement and enforce all art deaccession and disposal policies.
Board Policy 424 (Adopted 9-01, Revised 3-16)
424.01 Procedures for Deaccession and Disposal of Public Art
The process of deaccessioning and disposal for fine art will be initiated by the appropriate staff and any recommendations, with full justification, presented to the Executive Director for review. As part of this process, staff will conduct a review of all records to determine donor intent, clear title, donor restrictions , and current market value of the art. In determining the current market value, third-party appraisal will be used for works with an estimated substantial value. If the Executive Director determines that deaccessioning is appropriate, the proposal shall be presented to the Library Board or its designee for authorization.
When feasible, the Library will notify the donor of a work under consideration for deaccession and disposal, and circumstances may warrant extending similar courtesy to the heirs of a donor.
All fine art will be deaccessed and disposed of in accordance with any special prior agreements between the Library and a donor. If no such agreements exist, the art will be disposed of in accordance with the Library’s disposal policies for obsolete books, materials, and supplies (Library Policy 534). Preferred methods of disposal are sale or transfer to, or exchange with another public institution, sale through publicly advertised auction, and sale or exchange through a reputable, established dealer.
In the case of a work of fine art by a living artist, consideration may be given to notifying the artist of the deaccession, and consideration may be given to an exchange with the artist.
Administrative Procedure 424.01 (Adopted 3-16)