Submit Your Memes for the Library’s Banned Book Meme Contest

Library collection meme

Even if you’re not that familiar with memes, it’s likely you’ve seen the distracted boyfriend meme, or a cranky cat or two.

It’s been more than a decade since the “grumpy cat meme frowned its way onto the Internet … and never turned its dissatisfied head back,” as pet writer and meme creator Anastasia Thrift describes it.

Merriam-Webster defines a meme as an “amusing or interesting item” that’s spread online, primarily through social media.

So – in celebration of our freedom to read (or should we say our free-meme-dom) – we’re issuing a challenge: Submit your own meme!

Now through September 19, community members are invited to create a meme to celebrate the freedom to read, or in support of reading challenged titles.

We’ll post memes from finalists during Banned Books Week (September 22 - 28) – and the community will vote.

The winner will receive a signed boxed set of The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments by Margaret Atwood.

Vote for your favorite meme here starting September 22 – and share with your friends how it started, and how it ended.
