Need Business Guidance? Libraries’ Experts Offer Sessions at Start of Global Entrepreneurship Week

You’re running, or launching, a small business, and you have questions – or simply need a little guidance.

We have experts who can help. In conjunction with Global Entrepreneurship Week, business librarians from the Kansas City Public Library and Mid-Continent Public Library are available for individual consulting sessions Monday, November 14, 2022.

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Individuals from the community can schedule 30-minute sessions anytime throughout the day with KCPL’s small business engagement specialist, Hadiza Sa-Aadu, or Mid-Continent Business Information Librarian Kelly Head.

They can offer direction on everything from market research and business plans to accessing local entrepreneurship networks.

Sa-Aadu has been a member of the Kansas City Public Library’s Community Reference team since 2019, with experience and expertise ranging from marketing and sales to data analytics in both the public and private sectors. She was a featured presenter earlier this month at the Entrepreneurship & Libraries Conference, discussing Barriers to Capital Access, and has produced a limited-run podcast, Money Defined: Capital, Credit, and Financing, available on the Library’s website.

Head, who joined the Mid-Continent Public Library in 2017, is part of its Square One Small Business Services team, offering a wealth of resources to entrepreneurs and small business owners. He previously was director of library and information services at Pinchot University in Seattle.

Global Entrepreneurship Week, an annual celebration of innovation and entrepreneurship observed across the world, runs from November 14-20.

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