If you like following music trends, reading artist interviews, and deep-diving into archives of popular music publications, get amped up for the latest addition to our collection of digital resources, Rock’s Backpages.
The largest database of music journalism online, Rock’s Backpages features over 50,000 articles on thousands of artists ranging from ABBA to Zappa. The service also hosts over 800 audio interviews with legends including Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Kate Bush, David Bowie, Marvin Gaye, Kurt Cobain, Mary J. Blige, or Johnny Cash.
Casual music lovers and serious researchers alike can enjoy access to full articles from a wide range of publications in the U.S. and United Kingdom, such as Creem, Rolling Stone, New Musical Express (NME), Vibe, and many others. The articles range from short reviews and reports to long interviews and retrospectives, covering a wide range of genres from blues and country to jazz, reggae, rap, and rock and roll.
All of this unique and expansive content is available to you for free thanks to the best VIP backstage pass: Your library card.