Need Help With Your Resolutions? Your Library Offers Solutions.
Make it a Bookish 2022
No list of Library-provided New Year’s resolutions would be complete without a suggestion to add more books to your life. Looking to connect with other literature lovers? Join a Library book group -- including our Whenever Book Club! Mix up your reading habits by seeking out authors and voices from different cultures or with viewpoints different from your own. Try out reading formats like eBooks or digital audiobooks. Need ideas to get started? Explore reading recommendations by using the NoveList digital resource, browse reading lists in our catalog, or connect with the Library's reading experts and get a built-just-for-you list courtesy of our Shelf Help service.

Let the Learning Loose
Thanks to the Library’s digital offerings, you can learn on your own time, at your own pace, and even while at home . Your Library card gives you FREE access to well-known educational and skill-building resources like LinkedIn Learning (formerly or Universal Class. Prepare for entrance exams and certification tests by taking practice tests and tutorials through LearningExpress Library. Students can get online homework help with BrainFuse. Try out Pronunciator, a digital resource that offers phrase tutorials for over 80 languages. And the Library, in partnership with Literacy Kansas City and the Mid-Continent Public Library, offers Career Online High School, a fully accredited online program for adults who want to earn their high school diplomas. The streaming video service Kanopy also gives you a way to broaden your mind through high-quality documentaries, instructional films, and other resources. Your library card lets you watch entries from The Great Courses, view film resources on topics including teacher education development or K-12 learning, or enjoy instructional films that cover an array of categories.

Do It Yourself (With a Little Library Help)
The Library recognizes a cultural shift toward wanting to repair what we have rather than discard it. We’ve got many resources to support you in your efforts to do it yourself and hang on to what you know and love. Meet your maker goals using the arts, craft, and design videos in Creativebug — your Library card gives you free access to thousands of classes and resources. Car problems? Chilton Library offers online repair manuals that can help you fix cars of any make or model. From plumbing to drywall, the Library has it all when it comes to books about home repair and maintenance. And if your goal is to go green this year, we’ve got a list of resources and titles to help you strive for sustainability.
C'mon, Get Healthy
A new year often means committing to a healthier lifestyle. Check out our online health and fitness classes for all levels and abilities. If you’re conducting more in-depth research on medicine and nutrition, we offer a number of digital resources that cover a wide range of topics. Need more guidance? Explore more of our Health & Wellness services. And if you want to raise your healthy cooking game in the coming year, a good way to start is by browsing the collection of healthful cookbooks available in our catalog. And of course, get your COVID-19 vaccination or booster – visit select Library locations to get yours.
- Online health and fitness classes
- Online health resources and databases
- Healthful cookbooks in the Library catalog
- COVID-19 vaccination sessions at the Library
Tune Up Your Tech Skills
Whether you have questions about computer basics or want tips on better ways to use your smartphone or tablet, the Library’s Tech Access program can be a valuable starting point. Need assistance finding resources to get home internet access or technology services? The Library can help. You can even make an appointment to speak with a Tech Coach for a one-on-one session that cover everything from general computer or digital device operations to specific software or programs.Find a Job, Manage Your Money, Start a Business
If this is the year you want to start your long-dreamed-of entrepreneurial venture or simply explore ways to grow your career, the Library is a great place to start. Whether it’s job searching or professional development, getting help writing a business plan, or connecting with other entrepreneurship resources, our Community Reference team can lend a hand. The Library also provides tips on managing your money, banking, budgeting, and building other financial literacy skills through its Money Matters resources. An extensive collection of digital databases is also available to the business-minded, such as Legal GPS.
Join the Community of the Curious
Stay on top of current events, social issues, history, culture, and other topics by tuning in to the Library's signature events. Miss a program? Watch them online on our YouTube channel. Be sure to check out our entire calendar of Library activities for more ways to learn, discover, and grow. And children and families can enjoy a regular lineup of our outstanding youth activities and storytimes.- All Library activities
- Signature events | YouTube channel
- Family and youth activities | Storytimes | Youth & Family on YouTube