Books Unite Us: Banned Books Week 2021

Banned Books Week (September 26 - October 2) was established in September 1982 to highlight current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. We’ve put together a list of some of the most challenged titles since 2000, plus other resources to further your appreciation of the freedom to read.
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Ban These Books? Let's Talk.
From Huckleberry Finn to Harry Potter. From The Great Gatsby to The Giving Tree. For all our talk of the First Amendment and freedom of speech, America has a long and troubling history of banning books … in schools, in libraries, even across entire cities.In this virtual program from 2020, the Library's Director of Youth & Family Engagement Crystal Faris and Director of Readers’ Services Kaite Stover joined Steven Woolfolk, the Library’s director of programming and marketing, in examining a range of books that have been targeted for removal or restriction in libraries and schools.
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