Kansas City Public Library Statement in Support of the Asian American Community

For too long, and in particular since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed acts of senseless, shameless violence against our nation’s Asian and Asian American community. Now, we mourn the tragic loss of eight lives, including six women of Asian descent, in Atlanta.

The Kansas City Public Library calls on everyone in our city, state, and country to join us in saying: Enough! And to act in ways large and small to turn back this deadly rise in discrimination and hostility – against Asian Americans, against all who are its victims.

The Asian American community is a vital source of strength, talent, and creativity in the Kansas City area. Our future depends on ensuring that they, and people of all racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds, can flourish here and throughout our country.

We grieve with them today. We stand with them. And as a public library, we reaffirm our role in taking and inspiring action to facilitate inclusiveness and equity – to improve the society we share. #StopAsianHate



No Room for Intolerance: Listening to Asian- and Pacific-American Voices

This list of resources is a small start for readers looking to expand knowledge of the rich cultures and histories of over 40 countries. Look for fiction, memoirs, history, poetry, and other resources that amplify Asian- and Pacific-American voices.



Asian and Asian-American Authors for Kids and Teens

A collection of books for young readers that feature Asian American and Pacific Islander stories and experiences.