Looking for Work? Library Offers Resources and a New Job Club
If you're looking for work, the Library offers a number of resources and services that can help you in your search. We've also just launched the third season of our popular Job Club for anyone currently looking for employment or career transition is welcome to join.
The Library will conduct online Job Club sessions on topics ranging from finding your ideal career to tweaking your resume. The club meetings will be hosted by Rhiannon Johnson, the Library’s Career Development and Personal Finance Specialist; she regularly provides patrons with coaching on career development topics including resumes, cover letters, career transitions, job searching and interviewing techniques.
Interested in joining the new job club? Contact Rhiannon for details:
Email | Phone: 816.701.3663
Career Development Resources
The Library offers a number of personal services, databases, learning and training apps, and other digital resources that can help you prepare for your job search or succeed in your career. You can even schedule a one-on-one appointment with our Career Resource Specialist.
Community Reference - Job & Career
Make an online appointment | Email | Phone: 816.701.3663
Explore Online Resources
Make an online appointment | Email | Phone: 816.701.3663
Explore Online Resources
Resources for Unemployed Workers
- Visit the Missouri Department of Labor COVID-19 information page for ongoing employment impacts from COVID-19. The Department also has a brief Frequently Asked Questions section that attempts to clarify and address the most common issues.
- Missouri has a basic instructional video to aid workers as they file for unemployment in the state of Missouri: Filing for Unemployment Basics tutorial video will outline the steps you will need to take during this process.
- Visit the “UInteract” website to file for unemployment. If you are temporarily laid off from work due to COVID-19, you are not required to complete work search activities at this time.
- Visit the Kansas Department of Labor COVID-19 information page for ongoing employment impacts from COVID-19.
- Kansas has basic instructional videos to aid workers as they file for unemployment in the state of Kansas.
- The Wage and Hour Division provides information on common issues employers and employees face when responding to COVID-19, and its effects on wages and hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
- View a list of local employers who are currently hiring.
- Explore remote jobs posted on FlexJobs or Indeed: Remote Jobs.