You've Got Time to Read, Watch, and Listen … and We’ve Got Recommendations

Shelf Help reading recommendation service

Staff members from every Library branch and department gathered recently to check in with one another via video conference. While we’re keeping busy with our multitude of online programs and initiatives, we discussed how much we miss being at the Library – and know that you do, too. We talked, a lot, about the books and movies that have been pleasant diversions during these uncertain and unsettling times.

And of course, we made a list of favorites.

If you think you’ve run out of reading or viewing material, maybe a selection or two on our list will intrigue you. Or maybe you’d like guidance on where to look for something else that fits your interests. Through Shelf Help, we can offer recommendations that are tailor-made for you.

Tell us a little about yourself and what you like, and we’ll suggest books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and articles to match your tastes.

Wondering how we do it? We like to use the trusted database NoveList, a sort of reading roadmap. Type in a book title, author, or series, and it provides a listing of suggested read-alikes. (Pssst, you can do this yourself from home.)

We’re also big fans of hoopla for scouting out movies, TV, comics, and graphic novels. Another digital service, Kanopy, helps keep our minds engaged with documentary films and our cinema cred strong with a wide selection of independent and international movies.

We look forward to visiting with you about what you’re reading, watching, and listening to when we all get back to the Library’s physical locations. In the meantime, check out our favorites list. And come to us for some Shelf Help.

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