Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.

This prestigious role has a three-year term, beginning in June 2019. As president, Barnhart will oversee YALSA’s efforts to assist libraries nationwide in putting teens – especially those in greater need – on the path to successful and fulfilling lives.
“Amanda has always had a passion for library service to teens,” says Joel Jones, the Library’s deputy director of library services. “She has demonstrated her passion through advocacy, research, and as a direct provider of service to teens. I am excited for her and our profession.”
Barnhart has been with the Kansas City Public Library since she was a 16-year-old, shelving books at the North-East Branch. She has filled several other roles in the KCPL system since then, including teen librarian at the Trails West Branch from 2015 until she took over as branch manager at North-East in May 2018.
Read ALA's press release here.