Live Your Best Life in 2019 with Library Resources
With the beginning of a new year comes the renewed commitment to shake up our usual routines. We tell ourselves we’re going to learn a new skill, take a class or two, strive to get exposed to diverse and different ideas, make healthier choices, take risks in personal and professional lives… an ambitious list of life-changing activities. Luckily, the Library is an ideal starting point to help you turn your New Year’s resolutions into real results.
Make it a bookish 2019
No list of Library-provided New Year’s resolutions would be complete without a suggestion to add more books to your life. Looking to hang out with other literature lovers? Join a Library book group. Read books by authors from different cultures or with different viewpoints from your own. Try out different reading formats like eBooks or digital audiobooks. Get reading recommendations by using the NoveList digital resource, browse reading lists in our catalog, or have one of the Library's reading experts build you a custom list using our new Shelf Help service.
Take a seat in the digital classroom
Time and cost are always factors when it comes to coursework or lifelong learning. But with the Library’s digital offerings, you can develop skills on your own time, at your own pace, and even while at home sitting on your own couch. Your Library card gives you FREE access to well-known educational and skill-building resources like or Universal Class. Prepare for entrance exams and certification tests by taking practice tests and tutorials through LearningExpress Library. Students can get online homework help with BrainFuse. And the Library, in partnership with Literacy Kansas City and the Mid-Continent Public Library, offers Career Online High School, a fully accredited online program for adults who want to earn their high school diplomas. (Check out this past piece on the first COHS class.)Learn a new language or improve literacy skills
Try out Pronunciator, a digital resource that offers phrase tutorials for over 80 languages. Courses are available for English speakers or for native speakers of 50 other languages. You can access Pronunciator on your computer or mobile device. The Library also offers classes for English as a Second Language (ESL) as well as English classes where you can learn basic vocabulary, grammar, and usage.C'mon, get healthy
Targeting a healthier lifestyle? Many Library locations offer health and fitness classes for all levels and abilities. If you’re conducting more in-depth research on medicine and nutrition, we offer a number of digital resources for exploring a wide range of topics. And if you want to raise your healthy cooking game in the coming year, a good way to start is by browsing the collection of healthy cookbooks available in our catalog.- Health and fitness classes at the Library
- Online health resources and databases
- Healthy cookbooks in the Library catalog