How to Better Navigate Money Matters? Look to

One of our jobs at the Library is to help you learn about both our resources and those – also free – available elsewhere.
Our H&R Block Business & Career Center can familiarize you with one valuable service in particular,, to further your financial education. Available to all Kansas City Public Library card holders, it offers helpful videos on a variety of topics, including how to better handle your money. Now, there’s a way to make your holidays even brighter!
Two video courses teach you about the financial and “human” sides of money management – “human” meaning that our money habits reflect our values, needs, wants, and relationships with others.
We understand that this is a busy time of year to undertake a financial education course. Fortunately, courses are broken up into two- to five-minute lessons. You can quickly select the specific topics you’re interested in.
Personal Finance Tips Weekly covers a broad array of subjects: paying for college, splurging (when it’s good for you), smarter banking, developing better money habits, reducing financial stress, staying motivated to achieve financial goals, teaching your kids about money, and navigating money issues with family members. There are even lessons about stocks and other investments.
Personal Finance Tips and Tricks covers even more topics, again in small chunks: retirement, money and marriage, buying a home, credit, money management after a divorce, and saving money when traveling or preparing the kids for back-to-school. Just pick and choose. You can also flag specific lessons to watch later.
If you’d like a shorter, 10-minute complete personal finance course offering five great money-saving tips, check out 5 Personal Finance Tips with accounting pofessors Jim and Kay Stice.
For guidance on in-person financial education, visit Money Smart Kansas City. You’ll see that the Kansas City area has free public events covering all sorts of topics.
This holiday season, we want some of the jingling you hear to be extra change in your pockets – saved by using our resources!
H&R Block Business & Career Center
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