Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.

As you prepare to head to the polls on November 6, take a moment to review all the items on the ballot and familiarize yourself with the language and details.
Kansas City, MO Sample Ballot
Jackson County Sample Ballot
The Library Question, which appears at the end of both the Kansas City, Missouri, and Jackson County election ballots, asks voters to authorize an 8-cent increase in the Kansas City Public Library's property tax-based operating levy. It's the first such request in 22 years. Levy-generated revenues account for nearly 90 percent of the funding for operations at the Library’s 10 locations and for the on-site and online services we provide – from early childhood literacy to outreach to the elderly and disabled, from access to computers and internet to civic and community engagement. The levy also maintains our collection of nearly 900,000 printed, video, audio, and digital items, and keeps our facilities running, up-to-date and safe. Levy approval will allow the Library to maintain and modernize facilities and sustain and enhance essential services.
Here's how the Library Question appears on the November 6 ballot:
More about the Library QuestionFor the purpose of renovating and replacing aging Library facilities, enhancing spaces, safety and programming for children, seniors and families, expanding services, access to computers and collections to serve public demand, and for the general operation of public libraries, shall the Board of Trustees of the Kansas City Public Library District be authorized to levy an additional eight cent ($.08) tax over the present property tax for the free public library?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- What it means for your neighborhood location
- Calculate the value of the Library to you
Library District Map
If you live in the Kansas City Public Library District, you will see the Library Question on your ballot. Not sure if you reside within the district boundaries? View the interactive map below to zoom in on your neighborhood or enter your address in the search box in the upper left corner.View full-screen map
Voter Resources
- Find Your Local Election Authority – Missouri Secretary of State
- Voting in Missouri Flowchart
- Jackson County Election Board
- Kansas City Board of Elections
What to bring to the polls:
- Missouri Secretary of State Voter Information
- Voter ID FAQ
- Get help obtaining proper ID – Missouri Secretary of State
Acceptable forms of ID:
- ID issued by the state of Missouri, an agency of the state, or a local election authority of the state
- ID issued by the United States government or agency thereof
- ID issued by an institution of higher education, including a university, college, vocational or technical school located within the state of Missouri
- A copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that contains the name and current address of the voter
- Driver's license or state ID card issued by another state
- Other ID approved by the Secretary of State of Missouri