Community Appearance Request

If you are interested in having a library representative provide an information table at your organization or event, complete this form.

Requester Details

The Library evaluates appearance requests against the following criteria. Criteria is subject to change based on available resources, staff, and library priorities.

  • The request must be submitted at least six weeks before the event.
  • The request is not submitted more than six months prior to the event.
  • The event occurs within the Kansas City Public Library service area.
  • The Library prioritizes equitable resources allocation, limiting library appearances to one per organization per year.
  • Ensuring the safety of our staff and patrons is paramount. If safety is compromised, the library will withdraw from the event.
Primary Audience
Event Address

Choose only those that apply directly to your event. Can choose up to 2 subjects.

What will be provided?

  • I agree to contact the assigned Library representative as soon as possible if the event is canceled.
  • I agree to ensure the safety of library representatives and patrons to the best of our ability.
  • I understand if the safety of library representatives is compromised, the library will withdraw from the event.
  • I understand this request does not guarantee library participation.