This Is Really Happening, See?

Images of familiar, even mundane environs can carry great intimacy, revealing something true about an individual and affirming life as a deep and complex experience.

In the first of a yearlong series of Library exhibits curated by students at the Kansas City Art Institute – evolving from a class taught by KCAI’s Michael SchonhoffCasey Lee Holden and Nelson Pereira turn their cameras on their own surroundings. Holden, who came to KCAI from rural Oklahoma, captures the life of her family and its not-so-glamorous reality. Similarly, Pereira photographs the life of his neighborhood in El Salvador as a way to memorialize the everyday exchanges between people and their environments.

The exhibit is curated by Amy Hixson, who is pursuing a degree in painting and art history at KCAI. It is underwritten by Pam and Gary Gradinger and the Richard J. Stern Foundation for the Arts.

This Is Really Happening, See?

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