Pictures of the Year International

Four young men in Baltimore share their grief after the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. A family of Syrian refugees weeps in joy after stepping off the rubber raft that carried them from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesbos. In Italy, one winner smiles beneath her crown and another grimaces at the conclusion of one of the hundreds of local beauty pageants held for girls ages 3-13. The arresting images are among 50 featured in the 73rd annual Pictures of the Year International exhibition celebrating the work of the world’s leading photojournalists. Administered by the University of Missouri School of Journalism, it focuses on pivotal events of the past year and ranges from spot news and sports shots to memorable feature photos and portraits. Co-presented by Pictures of the Year International, administered by the University of Missouri School of Journalism, and the Kansas City/Mid-America chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers.

Pictures of the Year International

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