three women in paint

Eikonographia Radicale: Reimagining Cultural Icons

Chico Salvador Sierra’s works are driven by a desire to magnify overlooked historical narratives and illuminate current social issues, fusing pre-Colonial imagery with contemporary Chicano Movement aesthetics. 

In Eikonographia Radicale – a fictitious term for the concept of "radical iconographies" – Sierra subverts the framework of traditional religious imagery with humanist, non-religious symbolism. Natural elements, symbols of nourishment like plants and fruits, and abstracted textile patterns feel alternately familiar and alien. Human subjects are culturally ambiguous, honoring many significant political, social, and spiritual figures. 

The layered meanings and symbolism within the works allow for a range of open-ended interpretations based on the viewer’s personal proximity to cultures of the Global South. 

Originally from El Paso, Texas, Sierra now works as a multidisciplinary artist and musician in Kansas City. He has created many mural projects in the region, most recently the historical mural Welcome at Kansas City’s Union Station. He is currently an artist-in-residence at InterUrban Arthouse in Overland Park, Kansas.

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three women in paint

Eikonographia Radicale: Reimagining Cultural Icons

Date & Location
Genevieve Guldner Gallery (1st Floor)